
We have over 230 economists, all specialising in the economics of competition law.

We are the largest specialist competition economics team in Europe, and our experts testify in courts across the world. Our senior staff have expertise on all aspects of competition policy and include many former chief economists of competition authorities.

Meet our experts

We have over 100 senior staff and more than 230 economists, as well as a data science team. We have 16 offices and experience of over 120 jurisdictions. Our multi-lingual teams can work in 30 languages.
  • Adrian Majumdar

    Managing Partner


    Adrian Majumdar is the Managing Partner at RBB Economics. He has nearly 30 years’ experience assessing competition matters and was formerly the Acting Chief Economist at the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), a predecessor of the UK Competition and Markets Authority.

    Adrian is referenced in Who’s Who as “an undisputable leader in the field” and “one of the absolute best” when it comes to complex investigations work. He was the Who’s Who “Competition Economist of the Year” in both 2021 and 2022.

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  • Annabelle Jochem



    Annabelle Jochem is a Partner based in the Düsseldorf office of RBB Economics. She joined RBB in 2019, having already worked several years as an economic consultant specialised on competition matters in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Brussels.

    Annabelle holds an MSc in Economic Studies with a focus on Competition and Regulation from Maastricht University.

    She is recognised as leading competition expert by Who’s Who Legal.

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  • Benoît Durand


    Brussels & Paris

    Benoît Durand is a Partner at RBB Economics, based in Brussels and Paris. He has over 20 years of experience in competition economics, and has featured in the Global Elite Thought Leaders list in Who’s Who since 2018. He is described in Who’s Who as “a very talented economist”, and “a favourite among clients thanks to his ability to simplify complex ideas and his excellent ability to answer clients’ questions.”.
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  • Christian Ehmer


    Düsseldorf & London

    Christian Ehmer is a Partner at RBB Economics. Having joined the firm in 2004, he has twenty years’ experience in providing economic advice on competition matters. Christian has led RBB Economics teams on a wide range of litigation matters and competition law investigations, across a broad spectrum of industries and in a variety of jurisdictions.

    Christian has given expert witness testimony in numerous cases, both before the European Commission in the context of merger investigations as well as before national courts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the context of litigation cases.

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  • Daniel Gore



    Dan Gore is a partner based in RBB’s London office with 20 years’ experience in competition economics consultancy. He is a co-author of The Economic Assessment of Mergers under European Competition Law (Cambridge University Press 2013, translated and republished by Law Press China 2017).

    Dan has appeared in the Who’s Who Legal Future Leaders and Thought Leaders surveys of competition economists, which noted his “great depth of knowledge and strong grasp of the details” and “technical excellence” in merger analysis.

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  • Enrique Cañizares



    Enrique Cañizares is a Partner of RBB Economics based in RBB’s Madrid office. He has been working as an economic consultant since 2000. He specialises in all aspects of competition economics, in particular mergers, Article 101 and 102 investigations, and antitrust damages litigation. His expertise also spans to State aid and regulatory and intellectual property issues. He has provided expert testimony before national and international courts of justice and arbitration in a wide array of cases.
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  • Ethel Fonseca



    Dr Ethel Fonseca joined RBB Economics in 2008 and is a Partner based in London. Ethel is described in Who’s Who Legal as “an excellent economist” who is “very easy to work with”. Clients credit her “great understanding of what, when and how lawyers need things” as a key to her success.

    Having specialised in applied microeconomics and econometrics during her PhD studies, Ethel has particular expertise in the application of quantitative techniques to the assessment of competition policy issues.

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  • Etienne Pfister



    Etienne Pfister is a Partner at RBB Economics, based in Paris, and has over 15 years of experience in competition economics. Before joining RBB in 2022, Etienne was the Chief Economist of the French Competition Authority.

    He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics.

    A French national, Etienne is fluent in French and English.

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  • Francesco Rosati


    Brussels, Paris & Milan

    With experience spanning over 20 years and more than 150 cases, Francesco has advised on many of the leading competition matters in Europe and beyond. His expertise covers global mergers, coordinated conduct, abuse of dominance, vertical issues, regulation and litigation. He regularly acts as expert witness in high-profile court proceedings in the UK, France and Italy, amongst other countries. He has given oral evidence at a large number of public hearings before the European Commission, the General Court of the EU and national competition authorities in France and Italy. He has also advised on a range of competition cases in many other jurisdictions in Europe and across the world.
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  • George Siolis


    Melbourne & Sydney

    George is a Partner at RBB Economics in Melbourne. He has worked as a micro-economist for 30 years in the public and private sector in worked in both Australia and the UK.
    George has acted as an expert economist in competition and regulatory proceedings before the Federal Court of Australia, the Australian Competition Tribunal and State Supreme Courts as well as in arbitrations. He has also participated in “hot tubs” with other expert economists. He is listed in Who’s Who Legal as a leading competition economist in Australia and is a member of the Competition and Consumer Committee (Business Law Section) of the Law Council of Australia.

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  • Iestyn Williams



    Iestyn is a Partner in RBB’s London office. He has provided competition economics advice to clients across a diverse set of issues and market settings for over 20 years. His practice has increasingly focused on providing expert economic evidence in litigation cases – for claimants and defendants, in respect of standalone and follow-on cases.

    Iestyn has a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. Before embarking on his consulting career, he was an academic economist.

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  • Jan Peter van der Veer



    Jan Peter van der Veer is a Partner at RBB Economics, based in Brussels, with over 20 years of experience advising clients in complex competition investigations. He specialises in merger and abuse of dominance investigations where he has advised clients in many high-profile cases. His geographic experience spans Europe, South Africa, Russia, India and Saudi Arabia.

    Jan Peter holds an MA in Business Economics from Tilburg University and an MA in Transport Economics from the University of Leeds, both with distinction. He also obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in EC Competition Law from King’s College in London.

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  • Jan Yngve Sand



    Jan Yngve Sand is a Partner at RBB Economics based in Oslo and has over 20 years of experience in competition economics. Prior to joining RBB in May 2023, Jan was the Chief Economist at the Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA). In that position, he was the chief economic advisor to the Director General of the NCA in relation to decisions on mergers and behavioural practices.
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  • Joan de Solà-Morales



    Joan is a Partner based in RBB’s Brussels office. He has extensive experience in the economic assessment of mergers, having advised on numerous Phase II investigations before the European Commission, including several of the most high-profile cases of the past decade.

    He also works regularly on abuse of dominance cases, horizontal agreements, vertical restraints, and damage estimations, and has given expert testimony before national and arbitration courts on these topics. He has been listed by Who’s Who Legal every year since 2017, where he has been described as “one of the rising stars” and “really, really outstanding”.

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  • Katie Curry



    Katie is a Partner based in RBB’s London office. She has twenty years’ experience working as a competition economist across a broad range of matters including mergers, litigation, Competition Act investigations and market studies. A former Economics Director at Ofcom, she has significant regulatory expertise and a deep understanding of telecoms and digital markets.

    An experienced testifying expert, Katie has given evidence in various courts including the UK’s Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT). Previously the Head of Econometrics at the Office of Fair Trading (a predecessor of the UK Competition and Markets Authority), Katie has significant expertise in the application of quantitative techniques to competition policy questions.

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  • Laure Schulz



    Laure Schulz is a Partner in RBB Economics’ Paris office. She has fifteen years of experience in competition economics, both in the public sector and in private practice. Prior to joining RBB in 2016, she was a case handler at the French Competition Authority (FCA) in the Chief Economist Team.

    Laure graduated from ENSAE ParisTech, where she has been giving lectures in competition economics during a number of years, and holds a Master in Economics from the Paris School of Economics. She is also a member of the W@Competition Executive Committee in France.

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  • Miguel de la Mano


    Brussels & Madrid

    Miguel de la Mano is a Partner at RBB Economics, based in Brussels and Madrid. Miguel has over 20 years of experience in competition economics. He served as Deputy Chief Economist at the European Commission and Acting Chief Economist at the UK Competition Commission. He has been in private practice since 2015.

    He completed graduate studies in economics at the Institute for World Economics in Kiel, Germany, and the European Institute at Saarbrucken University, Germany. He conducted his PhD research at Oxford University.

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  • Patrick Smith


    London & Johannesburg

    Patrick Smith applies economics, econometrics and industrial expertise to competition policy, litigation and arbitration. He has testified and consulted to parties, agencies and interveners in high-profile, complex and multi-jurisdictional proceedings over the past 20 years.

    Patrick has acted as an expert witness in investigations of mergers, horizontal and vertical agreements, and abuse of dominance inquiries, covering excessive pricing, price discrimination, margin squeeze and predation, as well as in the assessment of pricing, profitability valuation and damages estimation within mediation, dispute resolution, and international arbitration.

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  • Paul Hutchinson



    Paul Hutchinson joined RBB Economics in 2010 and is a Partner in our London office. Paul has over fifteen years’ experience as a competition economist and has worked on competition matters including mergers, anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominance cases and market investigations. Prior to joining RBB Paul worked for the OFT where he led the economic analysis of numerous high-profile merger cases raising horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate issues.

    Paul’s experience spans a wide range of sectors, including telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, software services transport, retailing, consumer electronics, and fast-moving consumer goods. Paul is featured in Who’s Who Legal, as a leading expert in the field of competition economics.

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  • Paul Reeve



    Paul is a Partner in RBB’s London office, having joined the firm in 2020. Paul has worked as a competition economist for nearly 20 years, in consultancy, regulators and industry. He has particular expertise in UK merger control, having worked for much of the last decade at the CMA and its predecessor, the CC.

    Paul has experience of a wide range of sectors, but has been particularly active in broadcasting and telecommunications, energy, and retail mergers. He has dealt with horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers in the UK, Europe and beyond.

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  • Petter Berg



    Petter is a Partner at RBB Economics, based in Stockholm and primarily works across the Nordics. He has more than 20 years of experience in competition economics where he has been drafting reports and presenting results in high-stakes cases in a wide range of industries. Petter is listed as Thought Leader by Who’s Who Legal where he is described by his clients as “the shining star of competition economics” and with “laser-sharp analytical skills which he deploys in a pragmatic and effective way”.
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  • Richard Murgatroyd


    London & Johannesburg

    Richard Murgatroyd is a Partner at RBB Economics. He joined the firm in 2004 and has been a Partner since 2011. Richard has led RBB Economics teams on wide range of litigation matters and competition law investigations, across a wide range of industries and in a variety of jurisdictions.

    Richard has been instructed as an expert witness on more than 30 occasions, and has given expert witness testimony under cross examination many times, before high courts, specialist tribunals and arbitration panels.

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  • Stephen Lewis



    Stephen Lewis is a Partner based in the London office of RBB Economics. He has significant experience in merger assessment and abuse of dominance investigations, with a particular emphasis on the technology sector. He joined RBB in 2005 after studying economics at Oxford University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. He has been included in Who’s Who Legal’s list of Competition Economists since 2019.
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  • Theon van Dijk


    Amsterdam & Brussels

    Theon van Dijk is a Partner at RBB Economics based in Amsterdam and Brussels. Prior to joining RBB in March 2022, Theon was the Chief Economist at the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). In that position he was the main economic advisor to ACM’s Board in relation to decisions on mergers and behavioural practices, telecommunications and energy regulation, consumer protection and ACM’s sustainability agreement guidelines.

    Before his position as ACM’s Chief Economist, Theon has been working for various Dutch, German and international economic consultancies. He has nearly 25 years’ experience of presenting economic evidence on behalf of clients involved in complex, high-stakes competition matters, across a wide range of industries.

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  • Tristan Lécuyer


    Paris & Brussels

    Tristan Lécuyer is a Partner at RBB Economics based in Paris and Brussels. He has extensive experience advising clients on a wide variety of competition matters before the European Commission and the French competition authority, and as part of multi-jurisdictional mergers involving multiple competition authorities around the world. His experience includes complex merger assessments, raising horizontal, vertical and conglomerate concerns, as well as antitrust investigations, including abuse of dominant position, horizontal agreements and follow-on damages.

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  • Vitaly Pruzhansky



    Dr Vitaly Pruzhansky is a Partner in RBB’s Brussels office. He has over 15 years of consulting experience, spanning a wide range of competition policy matters. Vitaly has worked on mergers and acquisitions raising both horizontal and vertical issues and advised companies under the European Articles 101 and 102 provisions, as well as their national analogues.

    His clients come from a broad range of sectors, including banking and insurance, chemicals, consumer electronics, energy, FMCG, industrial consumables, metals and mining, telecommunications and media, military equipment, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, software and transport.

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  • Yan Yu



    Yan Yu is a Partner of RBB Economics with more than 15 years’ experience in providing economic advice on competition matters.

    Yan has experience in a wide range of sectors including mining, aviation, healthcare, energy, advertising, retailing, entertainment, and transport. Yan regularly contributes to the capacity building of the competition law development in Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong and other Asian jurisdictions.

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  • Alia Schweiger



    Alia Schweiger is a Principal in the Berlin office of RBB Economics. She joined RBB in 2024 after having worked ten years on competition matters at another leading economic consultancy in Germany.

    Alia is recognised as a Future Leader by Who’s Who Legal. Clients praise her for her “farsighted approach to economic analyses” and for having a “keen eye for the required level of detail while keeping sight of all ‘balls in the air’”.

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  • Chris Hart



    Chris Hart is a Principal based in RBB’s Sydney office. Since joining the firm in 2015, he has advised clients on a variety of competition matters before the Australian, Chinese, Namibian, South African and UK competition authorities. Chris is a member of the Consumer and Competition Committee of the Business Law Section of the Australian Law Council.

    He holds an LLB and MCom in Economics (with distinction) from Stellenbosch University.

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  • Chris Whelan



    Chris Whelan is a Principal at RBB Economics based in Melbourne, and joined the firm in April 2011. He has 15 years of economic consulting experience based in Melbourne and London. Chris co-authored the research report “Cost Pass-Through: Theory, Measurement & Potential Policy Implications”, published by the UK Competition and Markets Authority in 2014 and is listed in Who’s Who Legal.

    Chris gained a First Class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University and holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

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  • Dean Curry



    Dean is a Principal based in RBB’s Madrid office with over ten years’ experience. He has advised clients on numerous high-profile merger and abuse of dominance cases before the European Commission and CMA, particularly in tender markets and the pharmaceutical sector.

    He holds an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.

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  • George Tucker



    George Tucker is a Principal based in the London office of RBB Economics. He has advised clients on a wide range of issues in litigation and competition authority investigations, including restrictive practices, abuse of dominance and merger control. Before joining RBB in 2015, George worked in the Chief Economist Team of the European Commission’s DG Competition
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  • Jacob Muller



    Jacob is a Principal based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. Since joining RBB in 2017, Jacob has advised clients in relation to a wide range of competition law investigations and litigations across Africa, as well as in Australia and Europe. Jacob has also provided expert economic testimony under cross-examination before the South African Competition Tribunal.
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  • James Hill



    James Hill is a Principal based in the London office of RBB Economics, where he has worked since April 2013. Since joining RBB, James has advised on a wide variety of competition cases before the European Commission, domestic competition authorities and courts including in the UK, China, France, Switzerland, Turkey and South Africa.

    James holds an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and a first class honours degree in Economics from the University of Newcastle.

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  • Joost Vandenbossche



    Joost is a Principal in RBB’s Brussels office. He has extensive experience in competition matters before the European Commission and the French and Belgian competition authorities. A Belgian national, he is fluent in Dutch, English and French.
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  • Manuel Marfan



    Manuel Marfan is a Principal based in the Paris office of RBB Economics, where he has worked since 2016.

    Manuel has advised clients on competition matters before the European Commission and before various national authorities, most notably in Chile and France.

    Before joining RBB, Manuel obtained an engineering degree and a Masters in Economics from University of Chile and completed a PhD in Economics at Paris School of Economics.

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  • Niklas Strand



    Niklas Strand is a Principal at the RBB Stockholm office. He has worked in the field of competition economics for 25 years’ and has experience of presenting economic testimony on behalf of clients involved in complex matters. He has appeared as an expert witness in arbitration panels and in Swedish courts on a number of high-profile cases.

    Niklas is listed as a National Leader by Who’s Who Legal 2023 which states that “Niklas Strand highly sought after by clients from a diverse range of sectors”

    Niklas holds a Ph.D. from the Stockholm School of Economics and he has published in academic journals on e.g. pricing, merger simulation, and relevant market definition.

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  • Nuno Alvim



    Nuno Alvim is a Principal based in the Brussels office of RBB Economics. He has joined the firm in 2012. He holds a PhD in Economics from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and an undergraduate degree in Economics from NOVA SBE. He has experience across all areas of competition law and has lectured in microeconomics and economics of competition.

    Nuno is listed on Who’s Who Legal, and has been nominated as Economist of the year in the GCR Awards 2020, which highlighted that “his detailed reports are highly praised for being extremely complete and focused on the aspects under discussion.”

    A Portuguese national, Nuno is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

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  • Paul Stoddart



    Paul is a Principal in RBB’s London office. He is recognised in Who’s Who Legal as a competition expert and is a Visiting Fellow at King’s College London where he is course director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Economics for Competition Law. Paul has extensive experience on merger and abuse of dominance cases before the European Commission and UK Competition and Markets Authority.

    Paul holds an MPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford and studied Economics at the University of Warwick and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

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  • Tim Reuter


    Düsseldorf & Brussels

    Dr Tim Reuter has worked in competition economics for more than 15 years and has been in private practice for more than 10 years.

    Who’s Who Legal lists Tim as a Global Elite Thought Leader in the economists under 45 category. He is recognised for receiving “widespread acclaim for his stellar expert witness practice, where he excels particularly in merger control and cartel damage cases”.

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  • Yi Ling Ng



    Yi Ling is a Principal in RBB’s London office. She joined RBB in 2013 from working at a competition policy practice at another leading economic consultancy. She has advised clients on a wide range of competitive matters spanning a number of jurisdictions and a wide range of sectors.

    Yi Ling holds MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and is fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese.

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Associate Principals
  • Alastair Carr

    Associate Principal


    Alastair Carr is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s London office, where he has worked since September 2018. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, the Competition and Markets Authority and other authorities and courts.

    Alastair holds an MPhil in Economics from the University of Cambridge and a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford.

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  • Alex Suchanek

    Associate Principal


    Alexander Suchanek is an Associate Principal based in RBB Economics’ London office. Alexander has over seven years of experience working as a competition economist. Over this period, he has advised on a range of competition issues, with a principle focus on Phase II merger investigations raising horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate concerns, in the UK and at the European Union level.
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  • Anabelí Chuquillanqui

    Associate Principal


    Anabelí is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s Madrid office.
    She has advised clients on different regulatory, intellectual property rights and competition matters, including mergers, cartel investigations, abuse of dominance cases, and follow-on damages litigations.

    Her experience spans across various sectors and jurisdictions, most notably proceedings before the European Commission, the National Court of Spain, and the competition authority of Spain.

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  • Annabelle Leclercq

    Associate Principal


    Annabelle is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s Brussels office. She has significant experience in merger assessment, having worked on many investigations raising horizontal, vertical and conglomerate concerns. She also advised clients on other competition concerns including abuse of dominance, cartels and follow-on damages.
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  • Anton Miroshnichenko

    Associate Principal


    Anton is an Associate Principal at RBB Economics and is based in London. Since 2015, he has been advising on a wide spectrum of economic matters within the realms of competition and regulation policy. His expertise in competition economics spans antitrust investigations, damages litigations, market studies and mergers, including horizontal and vertical issues.

    Anton has worked on competition matters before the European Commission, the UK’s Competition and Market Authority and Payment Systems Regulator and competition authorities in Russia, Brazil and India.

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  • Apolline Jaoui

    Associate Principal


    Apolline is an Associate Principal based in the Paris office. Since 2017, she has been advising on a wide range of economic issues before the European Commission and national authorities, most notably in France. Her experience includes merger investigations raising both horizontal and conglomerate concerns, follow-on damages litigations and more recently, work related to the implementation of the Digital Markets Act.

    A French national, Apolline is fluent in English and French.

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  • Arvydas Vidziunas

    Associate Principal


    Arvydas Vidžiūnas is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s London office. He has over 10 years of experience in working on competition and regulatory matters across a wide range of sectors. He has advised on a wide variety of matters, including mergers, abuse of dominance cases and follow-on damages litigations.

    A Lithuanian national, Arvydas is fluent In Lithuanian, Russian and English.

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  • Casilda Prado

    Associate Principal


    Casilda is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s Madrid Office. Since joining RBB in 2015, Casilda has advised clients on wide array of matters, including mergers, competition law infringements, damages, regulation, and intellectual property. She has worked in cases before the European Commission and domestic competition authorities, including Spain, the UK, Turkey, Belgium, and South Africa. She also has significant experience providing expert testimony before national courts of justice.
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  • Francesca Amore

    Associate Principal


    Francesca Amore is an Associate Principal at RBB Economics, based in Milan.

    Francesca joined RBB in 2023 after having spent five years working at another leading economic consultancy in London and three years at the competition team of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the regulator of financial services in the UK. She also has experience as a consultant in competition and policy evaluations in Italy. Francesca holds an MSc in Economics from Bocconi University and an MSc in Competition and Market Regulation from Barcelona School of Economics.

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  • Francisco Penas Moran

    Associate Principal


    Francisco Penas is an Associate Principal based in Madrid office. He joined RBB in 2016 after completing a MSc in Competition and Market Regulation at Barcelona School of Economics and a BSc in Economics at the University of Basque Country. Francisco has advised clients on a variety of competition issues, including mergers and acquisitions, cartel investigation, market inquiries and litigation matters. He has worked on cases before the European Commission, as well as national competition authorities. Francisco has also provided expert testimony in a wide array of cases before Spanish national courts of justice. A Spanish national, Francisco is fluent in Spanish, English and Basque.
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  • Frédéric Fustier

    Associate Principal


    Frédéric Fustier is an Associate Principal based in Paris. He has ten years of experience in competition economics. Prior to joining RBB in 2024, he was the Deputy Chief Economist at the French Competition Authority (FCA).
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  • Hendrik Meder

    Associate Principal


    Hendrik Meder is an Associate Principle at RBB Economics based in Brussels. He has nearly 10 years’ experience in competition economics and empirical assessment in the public and private sector.

    Prior to joining RBB in early 2024, Hendrik was a member of the Chief Economist Team at the Directorate General for Competition, European Commission. He advised case teams and the Chief Economist in economic and quantitative assessments of several high-profile mergers and antitrust cases.

    Hendrik holds a PhD from the KU Leuven and as a German national, he is fluent in German and English.

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  • Hillary Wee

    Associate Principal


    Hillary is an Associate Principal in RBB’s London office. He has extensive experience in providing user-friendly advice on a wide range of competition and regulatory policy matters. These include complex Phase II mergers, follow-on damages litigation, competition law investigations and regulatory risk assessments.

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  • J. Roberto Parra-Segura

    Associate Principal


    Dr J. Roberto Parra Segura is an Associate Principal based in Madrid. Roberto has worked on a wide range of competition cases before the European Commission, the CMA and national competition authorities in many European and Latin American countries. He specialises in the application of quantitative techniques to the estimation of damages and has given expert witness testimony on numerous occasions before national courts of justice. Roberto has more than ten years of experience in competition economics, holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and has lectured and presented his work on game theory and econometrics at multiple universities and institutions in Mexico, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and China.

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  • Jack Mays

    Associate Principal


    Jack Mays is an Associate Principal in RBB’s Melbourne office. Jack has worked on a wide range of competition matters including mergers, horizontal agreements, abuse of dominance cases and regulatory issues. Jack’s recent experience includes advising the notifying parties in relation to four merger authorisation applications made to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC). Since first joining RBB’s London office in 2014, Jack has also worked on a number of cases involving the European Commission and the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), as well as on competition cases in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and Sweden.
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  • Jasmine Peng

    Associate Principal


    Jasmine Peng is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s London office. Since joining RBB in 2018, Jasmine has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters including mergers, cartels, abuse of dominance investigations and market studies.

    Jasmine holds MPhil and BA in Economics degrees from the University of Cambridge. Jasmine is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

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  • Jennifer Swart

    Associate Principal


    Jennifer is an Associate Principal in RBB’s Amsterdam office, having relocated from the RBB Johannesburg office in South Africa. Prior to joining RBB in 2018, she completed her Undergrad and Master’s degree in Economics at the University of Stellenbosch.
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  • Jimmy Gårdebrink

    Associate Principal


    Jimmy Gårdebrink is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s Stockholm office. He has extensive experience in merger assessment, having worked on having worked on many in-depth Phase II investigations raising horizontal, vertical and conglomerate concerns. He has also advised on a wide variety of other matters, including abuse of dominance cases, anticompetitive agreements, cartel investigations and follow-on damages litigations.
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  • Joost Bouten

    Associate Principal


    Joost is an Associate Principal based in RBB's Brussels office. Since joining RBB in 2019, Joost has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as national competition authorities in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium and China.

    Prior to joining RBB’s office in the Netherlands, Joost worked as an intern at the European Commission (DG Competition) and the Dutch Healthcare Authority. A Dutch national, Joost is fluent in Dutch, English and German. Joost holds an MSc in Economics (Competition and Regulation track) from Tilburg University.

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  • Julian Gropp

    Associate Principal


    Julian Gropp is an Associate Principal at RBB Economics, based in London. He re-joined RBB in 2021 having spent three years working at another leading economic consultancy in the US.

    Julian has extensive experience in the economic assessment of mergers and in the preparation of expert reports and testimony on various competition issues.

    Julian holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick. He is fluent in English and German.

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  • Julie Yerle

    Associate Principal


    Julie is an Associate Principal based the RBB’s Paris office.
    Since joining RBB in 2017, she has been advising clients on various competition issues before the European Commission and national authorities. Her experience includes merger cases raising horizontal, conglomerate, and vertical concerns. She has also advised clients on cartel investigations and follow-on damages cases.

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  • Kryštof Krotil

    Associate Principal


    Kryštof Krotil is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s London office. He has extensive experience in merger assessment, having worked on many in-depth Phase II investigations raising horizontal, vertical and conglomerate concerns. He has also advised on a wide variety of other matters, including abuse of dominance cases, anticompetitive agreements, cartel investigations and follow-on damages litigations.

    A Czech national, Kryštof is fluent in Czech and English.

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  • Lucy Holden

    Associate Principal


    Lucy Holden is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s London office. Since joining RBB in 2018, Lucy has advised clients on matters before the European Commission and various national competition authorities and courts, including the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT).

    Lucy holds an MSc in Economics (with Distinction) from the London School of Economics and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Cambridge.

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  • Meryem Haraj Touzani

    Associate Principal

    London & Paris

    Meryem is a seasoned Associate Principal who brings extensive experience to RBB's London office. She joined the firm in 2016 and previously worked out of RBB's Paris office before relocating to London in 2022.

    With over a decade of experience advising firms on competition economics issues, Meryem gained valuable insights into a wide range of industries and competition matters in various jurisdictions. Her expertise and fluency in both French and English have enabled her to effectively serve clients from diverse backgrounds.

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  • Michaela Wilson

    Associate Principal


    Michaela is an Associate Principal based in RBB's London office. She has advised clients across a range of competition matters, including merger control, abuse of dominance investigations, cartel damages claims and other litigation.

    Michaela holds an LLM in Law and Economics from Queen Mary University of London, as well as a BSc (Hons) in Economics and a BA in Law from Stellenbosch University.

    View CV (pdf)
  • Mihael Raveggi

    Associate Principal

    Milan & Brussels

    Mihael Raveggi has over twenty years of experience advising clients on EU and multi-jurisdictional mergers across a wide range of industries.

    Mihael is recognised as “an authority on high-profile EU mergers and Article 101 and 102 cases” by the GCR’s future leaders. Sources call him “a standout” who is “very responsive, great to work with and always on top of the data”. Mihael Raveggi has joined RBB Economics in 2002 and is an Associate Principal in the Milan office.

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  • Milan Berger

    Associate Principal


    Milan is an Associate Principal based in RBB Economics’ Dusseldorf office. He has over eight years of experience working as a competition economist. His expertise in competition economics includes antitrust investigations, private enforcement litigations, market studies and Phase II mergers, including horizontal and vertical issues.
    View CV (pdf)
  • Mohsin Raza

    Associate Principal


    Mohsin Raza is an Associate Principal based in the London office of RBB Economics. He joined the firm in 2016 after completing an MSc in Economics (with distinction) at University College London. Mohsin also holds a first-class honours undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Birmingham.

    At RBB, Mohsin has advised on several high-profile competition matters covering horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers, abuse of dominance investigations and market studies. Some clients Mohsin has advised include Acadia, Alphabet (Google), Alstom, Asda, Intrum Justitia, Siemens, and Tech Data.

    View CV (pdf)
  • Paula Mäkelä

    Associate Principal


    Paula Mäkelä has over 6 years' of experience in competition economics, including as an economic consultant. Before joining RBB in 2022, Paula was a Principal Economist at the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority.

    Paula holds a PhD from Aalto University in Helsinki. She completed part of her PhD studies as a Fulbright Graduate Grantee at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA.

    Paula is a Finnish national and speaks fluent Finnish and English.

    View CV (pdf)
  • Ricky Mann

    Associate Principal


    Ricky Mann is an Associate Principal based in the RBB’s Johannesburg office. Since joining RBB, Ricky has worked on a variety of competition law matters before competition authorities in Africa, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia. Ricky has also worked on a wide range of litigations across Africa including in the context of Constitutional Law disputes that require expert economic advice.
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  • Severin Haugg

    Associate Principal


    Severin Haugg is an Associate Principal in RBB’s London office, where he has worked since joining RBB in 2015. Over this period, he has advised on a range of competition issues, with a principle focus on private follow-on damage litigation cases before courts in Germany.

    Severin studied economics at the University of Mannheim and NOVA School of Business and Economics, Lisbon. He is fluent in German and English.

    View CV (pdf)
  • Simon Lee

    Associate Principal


    Simon is an Associate Principal in RBB's Johannesburg office. He joined the firm in January 2018, after completing a master’s degree in behavioural economics (first class) at the University of Nottingham. Simon also holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and statistics, with honours in economics (first class), from the University of Cape Town. In his role as consultant competition economist, Simon has advised on a wide range of matters, across multiple jurisdictions, and in a variety of fora.
    View CV (pdf)
  • Steffen Wyngra

    Associate Principal


    Steffen is an Associate Principal based in the Madrid office of RBB Economics. He holds an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the University of Mannheim. Steffen is a native German speaker and fluent in English and Spanish.
    View CV (pdf)
  • Trent Pieterse

    Associate Principal


    Trent is an Associate Principal in the London office of RBB Economics, joining the firm in 2017. He holds both BSc and MSc degrees in Economics from the University of Warwick.

    View CV (pdf)
  • Valerio Sodano

    Associate Principal


    Valerio Sodano is an Associate Principal based in RBB’s Madrid office. Since joining RBB, Valerio has advised clients on wide array of matters, including mergers, Article 101 and 102 investigations and damages litigation. He has worked in cases before the European Commission and national competition authorities, including Spain, Italy and the UK. He also has significant experience providing expert testimony before national courts of justice.

    An Italian national, Valerio is fluent in Italian, Spanish and English.

    View CV (pdf)
Senior Associates
  • Agata Sosnowska

    Senior Associate


    Agata is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in London. Since joining RBB in 2019, she has advised clients on merger and damages matters before the European Commission, the Competition and Markets Authority as well as many other competition authorities around the world (particularly in the context of multi-jurisdictional mergers).
    View CV (pdf)
  • Aidan Heijmans

    Senior Associate


        Aidan is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s office in Amsterdam, where he has worked since October 2019.

        He has since advised clients on a range of competition matters before the European Commission, various national competition authorities, most notably those in the Netherlands and the UK, as well as the EU General Court.

        Prior to joining RBB, Aidan obtained an MSc in Industrial Economics and Markets from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, an MSc in Finance & Investments from Rotterdam School of Management, and a BSc in Economics and Business Economics from Erasmus School of Economics.

        View CV (pdf)
      • Alex Craig

        Senior Associate


        Alex is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. Since joining RBB in 2019, he has advised on a range of competition matters, including mergers raising horizontal and vertical concerns, as well as abuse of dominance litigation.

        He holds an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona School of Economics, and a BA degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Oxford.

        View CV (pdf)
      • Alexander Eroshenko

        Senior Associate


            Alexander Eroshenko is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Brussels office. He joined RBB in 2018 holding an MSc in Economics from New Economic School. He has also completed competition courses at Bocconi University and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.

            Alexander speaks Russian and English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Alexander van Oeveren

            Senior Associate


            Alexander is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as the national competition authorities in the Netherlands and United Kingdom.

            Alexander holds an MSc in Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prior to joining RBB, Alexander gained experience in competition economics at the European Commission and PwC.

            A Dutch national, Alexander is fluent in Dutch and English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Alice Di Muzio

            Senior Associate


            Alice is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in London. She holds a BSc and MSc in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University in Milan and a master in Competition and Market Regulation from Barcelona School of Economics. Since joining RBB Economics in 2019, Alice has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, and before national competition authorities, including in the UK and Australia.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Alina Gruschka

            Senior Associate


            Alina is a Senior Associate based in the Düsseldorf office of RBB Economics, after starting at RBB’s office in London in 2018. Alina holds an M.Sc. in Economics and Social Science from Bocconi University and a B.Sc. in Economics and Business Economics from Maastricht University.

            She has advised clients across a range of competition matters, including merger control before the EC and various national competition authorities, and cartel damages claims in Germany.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Aïda Diallo

            Senior Associate


            Aïda is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Paris office. She joined RBB in Brussels in 2021, before relocating. She has advised clients on several high-profile mergers before the European Commission, the French Competition Authority and the CMA. Her experience also includes follow-on damage estimations in several jurisdictions. Prior to joining RBB, Aïda completed her master’s from Paris School of Economics and worked in consulting and competition economics. She is fluent in French and English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Candice Townsend

            Senior Associate


            Candice Townsend is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in the Stockholm office. She holds a Masters degree in Economics and a BA Law degree from the University of Stellenbosch.

            She joined RBB in Johannesburg at the beginning of 2015, joining from ABSA investments. Candice transferred to the Stockholm office in 2020.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Chad Fourie

            Senior Associate


            Chad Fourie is a Senior Associate based in the Johannesburg office of RBB Economics. Since joining RBB in 2021 Chad holds a joint M.com. in Economics from the University of Stellenbosch and M.Sc. in Economics & Law from Utrecht University.

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          • Daniela Lamparelli

            Senior Associate


            Daniela is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. She joined RBB in 2020, after completing a Master of Economic Science degree (with distinction) at the University of the Witwatersrand. Daniela also holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and corporate finance, with first-class honours in economics and econometrics, from the same university.

            Further to her university studies, Daniela has been fortunate to extend her knowledge of academic and policy-driven economic research by attending conferences centred on economics, including the 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences in 2022.

            View CV (pdf)
          • David Bottan

            Senior Associate


            David is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Brussels office. He advises clients in the context of mergers, litigations and other competition matters before the European Commission, national competition authorities and courts.

            His expertise covers various industries, including automotive, broadcasting, payment systems, electricity distribution, retail and private security.

            David holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Liege. He is fluent in English and Italian.

            View CV (pdf)
          • David Henriques

            Senior Associate


            Dr David Henriques is a consultant competition economist based in RBB’s London office. Prior to joining RBB in 2020, he was an economist at Ofcom, having advised on several competition and regulatory matters for nearly eight years. David has published articles at the London School of Economics, the European Central Bank, Ofcom and in internationally peer-reviewed journals, such as: Information Economics and Policy; the Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; Review of Network Economics; and Telecommunications Policy. Sources praise his ability to create a “novel and interest approach to addressing the competition issues associated with sports rights auctions”.
            View CV (pdf)
          • David Kwon

            Senior Associate


            David Kwon is a Senior Associate based in the Brussels office of RBB Economics. He has advised clients on a range of competition matters before the European Commission as well as various national competition authorities.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Domenico Pasculli

            Senior Associate


            Domenico is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in London. Since joining RBB in 2020, he has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as national competition authorities and courts around the world, including Australia, South Korea, Turkey and Ukraine.

            Before joining RBB, Domenico worked as an intern in the Principal Adviser Team of the European Commission (DG Comp) and in the Group Internal Validation team of UniCredit. Domenico holds an MSc in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University in Milan.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Else Christensen

            Senior Associate


            Else Christensen is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Stockholm. She relocated to Stockholm in October 2022 having joined the Dusseldorf office in February 2019.

            She has advised clients on a wide variety of competition matters before the European Commission as well as many other competition authorities around the world. Else holds a PhD in Economics from LMU Munich and an MSc in Mathematics-Economics from Aarhus University, she is a native Danish speaker and fluent in English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Esmeralda Jesoirens

            Senior Associate


            Esmeralda Jesoirens is a senior associate, based in the Madrid office. She holds an M.Sc. in Economics and B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Gent, Belgium. Before joining RBB, Esmeralda worked as a Senior Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers where she provided economic advice related to regulated industries.

            View CV (pdf)
          • George Snaith

            Senior Associate


            George is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. He holds an MSc in Competition Economics and Policy and a BSc in Economics from the University of East Anglia.

            Since joining RBB in 2020, he has advised clients on a range of competition matters, including abuse of dominance investigations and follow-on cartel damages litigation.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Georgi Panev

            Senior Associate


            Georgi Panev is a Senior Associate based in the Dutch office of RBB Economics. He has advised clients in relation to multi-jurisdictional, high-profile merger investigations raising both horizontal and non-horizontal concerns, as well as in the context of abuse of dominance cases and horizontal agreements.

            Prior to joining RBB, Georgi completed a MSc in Economics and a BSc in Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Georgi is a native Bulgarian speaker and is fluent in English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Gonzalo Araya

            Senior Associate


            Gonzalo Araya is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics based in London. He regularly works on merger analysis, abuse of dominance cases, and damage estimations. Of Chilean nationality, he has worked on several cases before competition authorities in Latin America.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Imraan Yusuf

            Senior Associate


            Imraan Yusuf is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in the Johannesburg office. He holds a Masters degree in Economics from the University of the Witwatersrand, and an Honours degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Cape Town. He joined RBB at the beginning of 2015, directly after completing his Honours degree.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Ioannis Pappous

            Senior Associate


            Ioannis Pappous is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in London. Ioannis has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority and other national competition authorities. He has extensive experience in merger assessments, having worked on many investigations raising horizontal and vertical concerns.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Jack Thomas

            Senior Associate


            Jack Thomas is a Senior Associate based in the London office of RBB Economics. Jack has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, and before national competition authorities, including in the UK and Australia.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Jack Tomlinson

            Senior Associate


            Jack is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office, where he has worked since October 2020.

            Jack holds a BSc in Economics from University College London. As part of his degree, he also completed a year abroad at the University of Chicago.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Jakub Redlicki

            Senior Associate


            Jakub Redlicki is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in London.
            Since joining RBB in 2018, Jakub has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters including mergers, cartels and abuse of dominance investigations.

            Jakub holds a DPhil (PhD) in Economics from the University of Oxford. He previously completed an MPhil in Economics and a BA in Economics and Management, both at the University of Oxford as well. His research has been published in the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Jane Rosenberg

            Senior Associate


            Jane is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. She joined RBB in 2020 after completing a Master of Science in Economics for Development at the University of Oxford.

            Jane also holds a bachelor’s degree in politics, philosophy and economics and a first class honours in economics from the University of Cape Town.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Johanna Lunghini

            Senior Associate


            Johanna is a Senior Associate based in RBB's London office, having transferred from RBB’s Brussels office in 2023. Since joining the firm in 2021, Johanna has worked on cases across various sectors and has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as national competition authorities and courts.

            A German and Italian national, Johanna is fluent in English, French, German, and Italian. She holds an MSc in Economics (Data Science track) from Tilburg University.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Johannes Mattke

            Senior Associate


            Johannes Mattke is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in the firm’s London office. He has over five years of experience working as a competition economist. Johannes holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in economics from the University of Amsterdam. He is fluent in English and his native language, German.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Jooseppi Kalliokoski

            Senior Associate


            Jooseppi is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Helsinki office. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters, including Phase II mergers, before the European Commission and national competition authorities.
            View CV (pdf)
          • João Matias

            Senior Associate


            João Matias is a Senior Associate based in the Brussels office of RBB Economics. He joined the firm in 2019.

            João has advised on a wide range of economic issues before the European Commission, the Competition and Markets Authority in the UK and other national authorities, most notably in Portugal. His experience includes horizontal and vertical mergers, abuses of dominance and anticompetitive agreements.

            He holds a masters and undergraduate degrees in Economics from Nova SBE.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Lachlan Lindsay

            Senior Associate


            Lachlan Lindsay is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office, where he has worked since September 2021. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the Competition and Markets Authority, the European Commission, and other authorities and courts. Lachlan holds a BA in Economics from the University of Cambridge.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Lauren Antrobus

            Senior Associate


            Lauren is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. She holds an MSc in Behavioural Economics from the University of Nottingham and a BSc in Computer Science and Economics, with Honours in Economics, from the University of Cape Town. She joined RBB in January 2018, after completing her Masters degree.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Lindsay Robinson

            Senior Associate


            Lindsay is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Melbourne office. Since joining RBB in 2021, he has advised on a range of competition, litigation and regulatory matters in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe. Lindsay holds an LLB (Hons) – BCom (Hons) double degree with First Class Honours in Econometrics from Monash University.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Lishuyu Bao

            Senior Associate


            Lishuyu is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Brussels.
            Since joining RBB in 2019, Lishuyu has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as various national competition authorities.

            She holds an MSc in Economics of Markets and Organization from the Toulouse School of Economics. A Chinese national, Lishuyu is fluent in Mandarin, English and French.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Lucas Azpiazu

            Senior Associate


            Lucas Azpiazu is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Madrid. He holds an MSc in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid and a BSc in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University College of London. Lucas has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as several national competition authorities.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Léa Julienne-Ista

            Senior Associate


            Léa is a Senior Associate based in the Paris office of RBB Economics, where she has worked since 2018. Her experience includes merger assessments, abuse of dominant position, horizontal and vertical agreements, as well as follow-on damages.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Man Kwan Ma

            Senior Associate


            Man Kwan is a Senior Data Scientist at RBB Economics, based in London. She holds a BA in Economics and an MPhil in Economics Research from the University of Cambridge. Since joining RBB Economics in 2020, Man Kwan has worked on a range of competition matters including mergers, abuse of dominance investigation, regulatory market inquiry and market studies. She is fluent in English, Chinese Mandarin and Chinese Cantonese.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Mark Brisske

            Senior Associate


            Mark Brisske is a Senior Associate based in the Düsseldorf office of RBB Economics. Since joining RBB in 2020, he has advised clients on a variety of complex competition matters, including merger investigations and follow-on damages litigation.

            Mark holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Heidelberg and a B.Sc. in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Mark Price

            Senior Associate


            Mark is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters, including Phase II mergers, before the European Commission and national competition authorities.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Marta Gligorijevic

            Senior Associate


            Marta Gligorijević is a Senior Associate based in the London office of RBB Economics. She joined RBB Economics in February 2020, after completing her BSc and MSc in Economics at UCL.

            Marta has since advised clients on cases before the European Commission, as well as domestic competition authorities in the UK, South Africa, India, Croatia and Serbia. She has experience with a wide range of competition matters, including mergers raising both horizontal and non-horizontal issues and abuse of dominance assessments.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Meltem Bayramli

            Senior Associate


            Meltem Bayramlı is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s office in Amsterdam. She has over ten years of experience as a consultant in competition economics. She has advised clients in notable multijurisdictional merger investigations in front of the European Commission and other national authorities. She has experience in many aspects of competition law and has worked on cases across various sectors.

            A Turkish national, Meltem is fluent in Turkish and English.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Mert Bakirci

            Senior Associate


            Mert Bakirci is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Düsseldorf.
            Since joining RBB in 2020, he has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters, including abuse of dominance investigations and follow-on damage litigations.
            Mert holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Mannheim and a BSc in Economics from the University of Cologne.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Michele Molteni

            Senior Associate


            Michele is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Milan. He holds an MSc in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University in Milan. Since joining RBB Economics in 2019, Michele has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission, as well as various national competition authorities, including in the UK, France, South Africa, India and Australia.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Miguel Á. Anes

            Senior Associate


            Miguel Á. Anes is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Madrid office. Miguel has experience presenting economic evidence and assessing competition matters across a wide range of industries before different competition authorities. He has also significant experience providing expert testimony before national courts of justice.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Márton Fleck

            Senior Associate


            Márton is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Amsterdam office. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission and various national authorities. Márton holds a PhD and a master’s degree in Economics, both from the Central European University, and two bachelor’s degrees in Economics and in Psychology, both from the Eötvös Loránd University.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Natalie Guest

            Senior Associate


            Natalie is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. Since joining RBB in 2016, she has advised on issues across a variety of competition economics sectors, focusing on vertical and horizontal merger reviews in various jurisdictions including the European Commission, the CMA in the UK and national competition authorities in 15 other jurisdictions worldwide.
            View CV (docx)
          • Nicola Barrett

            Senior Associate


            Nicola is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. She joined RBB in 2022 after completing an MCom in Economics (cum laude) at the University of the Witwatersrand. Nicola also holds a Business Science in Economics degree from the University of Cape Town.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Nikta Kermani

            Senior Associate


            Nikta Kermani is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. Since joining RBB in 2021, she has advised clients on a range of competition matters including mergers and abuse of dominance investigations. Nikta holds an MSc in Economics from the University of East Anglia. She is fluent in English and Persian.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Octavian Nica

            Senior Associate


            Octavian is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. He joined the firm in 2021. Octavian has advised clients on a wide range of economic issues before the European Commission, the Competition and Markets Authority in the UK and other authorities and courts.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Oula Heikka

            Senior Associate


            Oula Heikka is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, now based in the Helsinki office after starting at RBB’s Brussels office in 2022. He has over three years of experience as a competition economist, including his work at the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority before joining RBB.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Rirhandzu Mabunda

            Senior Associate


            Rirhandzu is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. She joined RBB in May 2021, after a year and a half of working at the Competition Commission of South Africa. Rirhandzu holds a master’s degree in development economics from the University of Johannesburg. She also holds an honors degree in econometrics, and a bachelor’s degree in economics and econometrics (cum laude), from the same university.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Ruben Savelkoul

            Senior Associate


            Ruben Savelkoul is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Brussels office. He has advised clients on a range of competition matters including mergers and horizontal agreements, cartel damages litigation, and abuse of dominance investigations. Ruben holds a PhD in Economics and an MSc of Advanced Studies in Economics, both from KU Leuven. Prior to joining RBB in 2023, he gained experience in competition economics working for another leading economic consultancy.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Rubén López

            Senior Associate


            Rubén López is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s Madrid office. He has advised clients on a wide range of competition matters, including follow-on damages litigations and abuse of dominance investigations, across many different industries. He regularly provides expert testimony before Spanish commercial courts. Rubén holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Mannheim and a BSc in Economics from Carlos III University of Madrid.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Samuel Lee

            Senior Associate


            Samuel is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. He holds a BA in Economics and MA in Economic Research from the University of Cambridge.
            View CV (pdf)
          • Sean Cromwell

            Senior Associate


            Sean is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office, having joined in 2020. He holds an MSc in Economics from the Barcelona School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Shailee Varsha Imrith

            Senior Associate


            Shailee is a Senior Data Scientist based in RBB's London office. She holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from QMUL with publications in physics journals. She completed a Data Science fellowship at Faculty AI (London) before joining RBB in 2019.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Walter Núñez

            Senior Associate


            Walter Nuñez is a Senior Associate at RBB Economics, based in Brussels. Before joining RBB in February 2022, Walter was an Economist at the Chilean Competition Authority (FNE) in the Mergers and Antitrust divisions, respectively.

            Walter holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Georgetown University and an MSc in Economics of Markets and Organization from Toulouse School of Economics.

            View CV (pdf)
          • Yihan Dong

            Senior Associate


            Yihan Dong is a Senior Associate based in RBB’s London office. Yihan has advised clients on numerous high-profile merger, abuse of dominance and litigation cases. She has experience in a wide range of sectors including technology, private equity, retailing, financial services, telecommunication, pharmaceutical, healthcare, real estate, industrial chemicals, and transport.

            Yihan joined RBB in 2018 after completing an MPhil degree in Economic Research from the University of Cambridge. She also holds the CFA charter and the FRM certification. Yihan is fluent in English and Mandarin.

            View CV (pdf)