Milan Berger

Milan is an Associate Principal based in RBB Economics’ Dusseldorf office. He has over eight years of experience working as a competition economist. His expertise in competition economics includes antitrust investigations, private enforcement litigations, market studies and Phase II mergers, including horizontal and vertical issues.

Milan has significant experience advising in antitrust investigations, including abuse of dominant position, information exchange and cartels as well as on Phase I and Phase II merger cases both at the German and EU level.

Milan has advised on numerous follow-on and stand-alone litigations, preparing economic and econometric evidence on the likelihood and quantum of damages, pass-on and other matters for the proceedings across several local courts across Europe.

On mergers, Milan has worked extensively on several Phase I and Phase II merger before the European Commission and the competition authorities in Germany.

His sectoral experience covers a range of sectors including satellites, trucks, white goods, retail, consumer goods, and various industrial products.

Milan holds a Master’s degree in International Economics from the University of Gottingen and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Cologne.

As a German national, Milan speaks German and English.

Selected Cases

  • Viasat/Inmarsat

    Merger, EU & UK

  • Scania: Trucks Cartel

    Follow-on litigation, UK & EU

  • Tronox/Cristal

    Merger, EU

  • Whirlpool

    Horizontal practices investigation, France

  • Sugar cartel

    Damages litigation, Germany

  • Thalia/Mayersche

    Merger, Germany

A global network of experienced experts

Our 230-strong, multi-lingual team, spread across 16 offices, has managed over 3,000 cases in 120+ countries, advising on more than one-third of EU Phase II cases in the last 5 years.