Jacob Muller

Jacob is a Principal based in RBB’s Johannesburg office. Since joining RBB in 2017, Jacob has advised clients in relation to a wide range of competition law investigations and litigations across Africa, as well as in Australia and Europe. Jacob has also provided expert economic testimony under cross-examination before the South African Competition Tribunal.

Jacob has a broad range of experience, covering a wide range of competition matters, including horizontal and non-horizontal mergers, market investigations, exclusionary abuse of dominance, excessive pricing and price discrimination, buyer power, price fixing and market allocation, as well as damages litigation.

Jacob has also worked across a range of different sectors, spanning digital platforms, e-commerce, telecommunications, broadcasting, publishing, energy, construction and construction materials, transport aviation, automotive, retail, and gambling.

Jacob has advised clients on matters in several jurisdictions, including South Africa, Australia, the UK, France, Namibia, Zambia, Tanzania, and Nigeria. He has also acted as an expert witness before the South African Competition Tribunal, providing concurrent expert evidence and evidence under cross-examination.

Jacob has spoken at a number of competition law conferences and published journal articles on a range of issues, such as price discrimination and buyer power, price gouging and excessive pricing, competition and innovation, and multijurisdictional merger filings, and competition policy in digital markets.

Jacob holds an undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, and a Masters degree in Economic Science (cum laude), both from the University of Cape Town.

Selected Cases

  • Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry – Takealot.com and Mr D Food

    Market inquiry, South Africa

  • Sunrise Energy/Strategic Fuel Fund/Avedia Energy

    Merger, South Africa

  • Cape Town Stadium Damages – WBHO and Stefanutti

    Follow on damages from cartel conduct, South Africa

  • Maersk/Grindrod

    Merger, South Africa

  • Seriti/South 32

    Merger, South Africa

  • Future/TI Media

    Merger, UK

  • ATON/Murray and Roberts

    Merger, South Africa

  • Pacific National/Aurizon

    Merger, Australia

  • Unilever/Commission

    Horizontal agreement, South Africa

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