- 26/03/2025 RBB seminar: Economics of foreclosure (Oslo and Stockholm)
- 25/03/2025 Restriction of competition by object
- 18/03/2025 Private enforcement: regulatory and judicial developments across Europe
- 10/03/2025 Abuse of market power
- 07/03/2025 Agile economics to tackle challenges of today
- 18/02/2025 RBB to present on Information Exchange and Article 102
- 14/02/2025 The triumphs and trials of 25 Years of UK competition enforcement
- 14/02/2025 Antitrust and competition compliance across Central and Eastern Europe
- 11/02/2025 Webinar: the basics of horizontal mergers
- 06/02/2025 RBB seminar: fundamentals of competition economics (Johannesburg)
- 05/02/2025 RBB seminar: introduction to the economics of merger analysis (Australia)
- 05/02/2025 Markets and M&A activity in Africa
- 04/02/2025 EC draft guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance
- 31/01/2025 RBB to speak at Italian Antitrust Association conference
- 29/01/2025 RBB speakers to present at the ABA Asia-Pacific conference
- 21/01/2025 Exploring the state of mergers and merger control: risks and practical preparation
- 16/01/2025 A new era for competition in sports and media
- 07/01/2025 Competition policy in the era of ecological transition
- 06/01/2025 RBB seminar: merger control in local markets (Düsseldorf)
- 29/11/2024 Ten years of the Damages Directive in France
- 25/11/2024 Mergers in the AI sector
- 18/11/2024 Nuno Alvim to speak at ICC Portugal Competition Congress
- 15/11/2024 Cartels and leniency
- 12/11/2024 Competition enforcement in Australia
- 11/11/2024 New frontiers of merger control
- 07/11/2024 Developments in European damages valuations
- 01/11/2024 Recent considerations around non-price competition
- 30/10/2024 Competition law: compliance issues
- 30/10/2024 RBB team to participate in 2024 ACE conference
- 29/10/2024 What's next for competition law in Australia?
- 28/10/2024 50 Years of Competition Law and Economics in Australia
- 18/10/2024 Taking Stock with Olivier Guersent
- 17/10/2024 Asia-Pacific merger control: moving towards stricter control?
- 16/10/2024 RBB seminar: economic assessment of horizontal mergers (Düsseldorf)
- 15/10/2024 Next gen lawyers webinar: the basics of market definition
- 14/10/2024 RBB seminar: Economics of mergers (Helsinki)
- 07/10/2024 Antitrust and generative AI
- 04/10/2024 Article 102: an economist's perspective
- 03/10/2024 Competition between ecosystems
- 03/10/2024 Expert reports in international arbitration
- 01/10/2024 Competition law in the CEE region
- 30/09/2024 Merger control in the digital age
- 26/09/2024 Exclusionary abuse: predation and other price-based abuses
- 24/09/2024 Developments of pass-on
- 17/09/2024 RBB seminar: Quantification of cartel damages (Düsseldorf)
- 16/09/2024 Global antitrust hot topics
- 12/09/2024 Mergers below the threshold
- 10/09/2024 Economics of private enforcement
- 06/09/2024 Industrial policy and State aid
- 05/09/2024 UK digital markets competition regulation
- 04/09/2024 Nordic trends in competition law
- 20/08/2024 RBB Presentation: Booking/eTraveli - ecosystem theories of harm (Copenhagen)
- 24/07/2024 AI: balancing enforcement and innovation
- 10/07/2024 RBB to speak at economics of competition and regulation workshop
- 04/07/2024 RBB participating in GCR law leaders Europe conference
- 03/07/2024 Market definition and determinants of market power
- 21/06/2024 Etienne Pfister to speak on market definition
- 18/06/2024 Miguel de la Mano to speak on developments and challenges in merger control
- 12/06/2024 Exploring the UK merger control landscape
- 05/06/2024 The new Market Definition Notice of the EC
- 03/06/2024 Digital developments: what should competition lawyers prepare for next?
- 23/05/2024 The role of the expert in international arbitration
- 13/05/2024 Yan Yu to participate in ICN annual conference
- 13/05/2024 Merger control: getting deals done in a time of increased scrutiny
- 08/05/2024 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: what to expect after royal assent
- 02/05/2024 RBB seminar: economic basics of market definition (Düsseldorf)
- 01/05/2024 Regulatory developments: what’s new for UK and EU merger control
- 23/04/2024 The Digital Markets Act from the Member State perspective
- 19/04/2024 Parallel merger control investigations
- 16/04/2024 How does competition in generative AI work?
- 12/04/2024 Economic fundamentals and competition enforcement in the energy sector
- 27/03/2024 The future of the sports/competition law relationship
- 26/03/2024 RBB Presentation: Booking/eTraveli - ecosystem theories of harm (Stockholm)
- 25/03/2024 RBB Seminar: closeness of competition (Stockholm)
- 18/03/2024 Key updates and developments in theories of harm
- 11/03/2024 Evidence in EU private enforcement proceedings: developments and difficulties
- 07/03/2024 Benoît Durand to speak on ecosystem theories of harm webinar
- 19/02/2024 Private enforcement in the EU
- 16/02/2024 Enforcement of competition law in the digital sector - an update from South Africa
- 12/02/2024 Antitrust and competition compliance in CEE
- 09/02/2024 RBB Seminar: Fundamentals of competition economics (Johannesburg)
- 08/02/2024 Competition issues in AI
- 06/02/2024 RBB Seminar: Economics of mergers (Oslo)
- 26/01/2024 Innovative economics in contemporary competition enforcement
- 25/01/2024 RBB Partners to speak at Nordic competition law forum
- 23/01/2024 The relationship between competition and innovation
- 17/01/2024 Expert witnesses in complex arbitrations
- 15/01/2024 Paula Mäkelä to speak at W@Competition Nordic Conference
- 09/01/2024 Quantification/estimation of damages and disclosure developments
- 26/11/2023 The revival of the abuse of a dominant position
- 23/11/2023 Competition and protectionism
- 22/11/2023 Katie Curry to speak on generative AI
- 13/11/2023 Recent developments in Norwegian competition law
- 07/11/2023 RBB Seminar: The Basics of Market Definition (Stockholm)
- 07/11/2023 RBB participating in ACE conference 2023
- 31/10/2023 Sustainability and competition policy
- 30/10/2023 RBB Seminar: Article 102 - recent developments and future directions (Stockholm)
- 11/10/2023 Regulating digital markets in Asia-Pacific
- 11/10/2023 The increase of regulatory obstacles for mergers
- 04/10/2023 The role of the expert witness: conflicts of interest and duty of disclosure
- 18/09/2023 Yan Yu speaking on merger control challenges across Asia-Pacific
- 31/08/2023 Richard Murgatroyd to speak at competition litigation conference
- 14/08/2023 RBB to speak on 'State Aid in the green transition' panel
- 26/07/2023 Joan de Solà-Morales to speak at Concurrences antitrust conference
- 12/07/2023 Adrian Majumdar in market definition and market power training
- 10/07/2023 Yan Yu to speak at Asia Pacific conference
- 03/07/2023 Enrique Cañizares to speak on market definition
- 19/06/2023 RBB team to speak at GCR Europe event
- 18/06/2023 Etienne Pfister to speak at Concurrences Antitrust Conference
- 12/06/2023 Adrian Majumdar to speak on digital regulation
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Our experience and expertise means our clients have the best chance of success before competition authorities and courts.
We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and related associated litigation.