22 August 2023

Is it time to revisit merger control efficiencies?

As competition authorities around the world continue to review their approach to merger control, is now the time to take a fresh look at efficiencies? The bar for efficiencies has been raised so high in recent times that it is now very rare for merging parties to seek to rely on them. However, now that the authorities are increasingly willing to consider uncertain theories of harm over longer timeframes, should they also take a counterbalancing approach to efficiencies? Does the increased focus on non-horizontal mergers behove a greater understanding and consideration of the efficiencies that these types of mergers can generate? 

This topic will be discussed during day one of GCR's Global Merger Control Conference taking place on 12 and 13 October in Brussels. RBB's Adrian MajumdarAdrian MajumdarAdrian MajumdarManaging Partner will join this panel which will consider these questions and whether there remains a future for efficiencies in merger control review.  

Access the full agenda here.

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