While there is long-standing view that competition drives innovation and that innovation, in turn, drives higher welfare and economic growth, there is no theoretical consensus on the precise relationship between these two important components of a market economy.
On 6 March RBB's Stephen LewisStephen LewisPartner will join industry leaders to discuss this topic at the OECD Conference in Paris. The panel will explore recent developments from a theoretical perspective and how they translate into the way in which competition authorities have incorporated innovation as part of their enforcement activities. The session will review different approaches competition authorities have used and could use to incorporate innovation when evaluating a transaction or determining if a certain behaviour is anti-competitive. This includes the assessment of innovation starting from the definition and analysis of relevant markets to the establishment of theories of harm, the consideration of efficiencies, the analysis of other drivers of innovation, and the design of remedies and commitments.
Access the full programme here.