No less than eleven competition economics experts of RBB have been listed in Who’s Who Legal 2010 edition of Competition Lawyers and Economists. Included in the list of in total 271 nominees from around the world are George Siolis in Melbourne, Simon Bishop, Benoit Durand, Andrea Lofaro and Francesco Rosati in Brussels, Luisa Affuso, Simon Baker, Adrian Majumdar, Derek Ridyard and Iestyn Williams in London and Matthijs Visser in The Hague.The Expert Guide to the World’s Leading Competition and Antitrust Lawyers/Economists published by the Legal Media Group in 2010 lists a total of eight RBB nominees out of a total of 198 worldwide, and includes Simon Bishop, Andrea Lofaro, Matthijs Visser, Richard Murgatroyd (Johannesburg), Luisa Affuso, Simon Baker, Adrian Majumdar and Derek Ridyard.
Our experience and expertise means our clients have the best chance of success before competition authorities and courts.
We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and related associated litigation.