Our RBB team are looking forward to the GCR Law Leaders Europe event taking place in Brussels on 28 and 29 June. Attending will be Benoît DurandBenoît DurandPartner, Ethel Fonseca
Ethel FonsecaPartnerNuno Alvim
Nuno AlvimPrincipal, Theon van Dijk and Tristan Lécuyer. The team will also be participating in a number of panels:
28 & 29 June - Conference chair: Benoît
28 June, 15:40-16:45 - Divergence between the European Commission and the courts? A new era of merger enforcement: Ethel
29 June, 13:50-14:55 - Divergence on sustainability in competition law: differing approaches around the globe: Theon
View the full programme here.