RBB Economics is a tour de force in the competition economics landscape.
RBB is delighted to once again be named as an elite economics practice by Global Competition Review (GCR) in their 2025 listing.
The full write up
GCR recognises RBB as 'RBB Economics is a tour de force in the competition economics landscape. From its London headquarters, managing partner Adrian MajumdarAdrian MajumdarManaging Partner leads a team of 231 competition economists, although this number seems set to grow, with the firm adding new offices in the past two years in Singapore, Berlin and Santiago.
The firm also saw some growth in the UK, welcoming Ofcom’s ex-director Katie CurryKatie CurryPartner as a partner in October 2023. Curry is featured in Lexology Index for competition economics alongside 26 other members of the firm, including Majumdar and partner Benoît Durand
Benoît DurandPartner, who works between the Brussels and Paris offices. Both are recognised as Global Elite Thought Leaders, leveraging extensive experience in the field, including prior experience as leading economists at UK regulatory bodies and, in Durand’s case, DG Comp.
In recent deal work, RBB Economics advised chip designer Broadcom on its $69 billion acquisition of VMware, which was subject to Phase II investigations by the European Commission and the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and a second request from the US Federal Trade Commission. The EU enforcer cleared the transaction subject to behavioural conditions in July 2023, while the CMA and the FTC waved it through unconditionally.
The firm also supported Booking.com in its appeal against the European Commission’s decision to block its proposed acquisition of online travel agent Etraveli, despite the deal receiving unconditional clearance from the CMA in 2022.
In another ongoing appeal, RBB Economics has been advising global genomics and human health company Illumina in its challenge against the EU enforcer’s jurisdiction to review and later block its proposed acquisition of American biotech firm Grail, due to foreclosure concerns.
On the litigation front, Apple tapped the firm for advice in Australian abuse of dominance proceedings filed by Epic Games, which accuse it and Google of imposing unlawfully high commission fees on app developers selling on the App Store and Google Play Store.
In the UK, the firm provided expert testimony before the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) on behalf of Pfizer, which is appealing against the CMA’s remittal decision that Pfizer abused its market dominance in setting excessive prices for phenytoin sodium, an anticonvulsant drug used to treat conditions such as epilepsy.
RBB Economics is also assisting Google in fending off damages claims lodged by multiple plaintiffs in litigation stemming from the European Commission’s Shopping decision, which found that Google abused its dominant position by favouring its own comparison-shopping service over competitors’.
Additionally, the firm defends automotive manufacturer Scania in follow-on damages actions stemming from the European trucks cartel, serving as an expert witness in relation to widespread litigation occurring in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Spain and the UK.
RBB Economics continues to prove its strength in investigations, recently advising Norwegian salmon producer Lerøy in defence of allegations by the European Commission that it and five other salmon producers colluded to fix prices in the Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon market. Several lawsuits from UK supermarkets and a class action from consumers have sprung from the commission’s allegations, resulting in ongoing litigation before the CAT.