RBB Economics has provided expert testimony supporting Qihoo 360 (represented by Lifang & Partners) in its recent appeal against the Judgment by the Guangdong Higher People’s Court, in relation to the litigation against Tencent for alleged abuse of dominance. The hearing was held over two days at the Supreme People’s Court of China on 26-27 November 2013.RBB team led by Derek Ridyard and supported by Yan Yu and San Sau Fung, submitted two expert reports, written in Chinese, covering the relevant antitrust market, the extent of competition in the market, and Tencent’s dominance. RBB economist Yan Yu subsequently testified to the reports in court in Mandarin. The background of the case and a summary of the hearing (in Chinese) can be found on the Supreme People’s Court’s website.RBB经济咨询公司代表以专家证人身份参加中国最高人民法院庭审RBB受北京奇虎科技公司委托(由立方律师事务所代理),就其对腾讯涉嫌滥用市场支配地位的二审案件,提供经济学专家意见。该案一审由广东高级人民法院判决,上诉于2013年11月26至27日由中国最高人民法院公开审理,为期两天。RBB就该案向最高院呈交了两份以中文撰写的经济分析报告,内容涵盖相关市场界定、市场竞争状态及腾讯支配地位的经济分析。RBB团队由合伙人Derek Ridyard领导、资深经济研究员余妍及冯身修辅助,并由余妍为代表以专家证人身份参加庭审,以普通话接受双方当事人的质询。该案背景以及庭审焦点简介,请参阅 最高院网站.
Our experience and expertise means our clients have the best chance of success before competition authorities and courts.
We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and related associated litigation.