On 20 November 2024, the French Competition Authority (FCA) approved unconditionally the acquisition of Flowbird by EasyPark.
The FCA investigated potential horizontal concerns with respect to the supply of mobile parking payment solutions to local authorities and end-users, as well as potential vertical and conglomerate concerns related to the links between mobile parking payment solutions on the one hand and pay-and-display machines and parking management support services on the other hand.
The FCA concluded that the merger will not lead to any anticompetitive effects in the markets where the Parties overlap horizontally and ruled out any risk of foreclosure strategies from the merged entity. RBB assisted with economic analyses, and prepared submissions, related to horizontal effects as well as conglomerate and vertical effects.
RBB's team, led by Etienne PfisterEtienne PfisterPartner and Tristan Lécuyer
Tristan LécuyerPartner, and supported by Julie Yerle
Julie YerleAssociate Principal and Frédéric Fustier
Frédéric FustierAssociate Principal, worked alongside A&O Shearman during the pre-notification phase and Phase I investigation.