RBB’s Niklas StrandNiklas StrandPrincipal and Paula Mäkelä
Paula MäkeläAssociate Principal will speak at the upcoming CompLaw Nordic conference taking place on 25 and 26 March in Stockholm.
Niklas will speak on the panel ‘Information Exchange after Price Hunting & Other Cases’ which will delved into:
Review of the Norwegian Price Hunting case
Lessons learned from the Portuguese Banks case
Market transparency: what is lawful and unlawful information exchange?
Should information exchange be considered to be by object or by effect infringement?
Online platforms and information exchange
Indirect information exchange: hub & spoke issues and price signalling
Later on day 1, Paula will participate in the session 'Article 102: Update on Draft Guidelines & Other Developments’ which will cover:
Update on the draft Article 102 guidelines
What is the Commission trying to achieve?
Review of significant recent cases including Servier
Update on exclusionary conduct and rebates
Excessive pricing in the pharma sector cases
Economic moats and entrenchment strategies of digital giants
Economic perspectives on Article 102
Access the full conference programme here.