21 July 2023

Broadcom one step closer to acquiring VMware

Leading technology company Broadcom is one step closer to acquiring VMware.  

Following a Phase II investigation, on 19 July 2023 the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provisionally granted unconditional approval to global technology corporation Broadcom on its proposed acquisition of VMware. While non-horizontal concerns raised by the CMA in Phase I warranted an in-depth investigation, the CMA provisionally concluded that the proposed deal would not substantially reduce competition in the supply of server hardware components in the UK. 

The proposed acquisition had already been cleared, on the 12 July 2023, by the European Commission, conditional upon full compliance with the commitments offered by Broadcom. The merger remains under review with the US Federal Trade Commission and other regulators worldwide. 

RBB's team, led by Miguel de la ManoMiguel de la ManoMiguel de la ManoPartner and Ethel FonsecaEthel FonsecaEthel FonsecaPartner, worked alongside Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton.

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