Industry leader in the Swedish dose dispensing pharmacy market, Apotekstjänst has finally received clearance to buy Svensk Dos in a 3-to-2 merger.
The acquisition was initially blocked by the Swedish Competition Authority (SCA) in April 2024. The parties appealed to the Patent and Market Court (PMD) but the SCA decision was upheld in November 2024.
The parties appealed again to the Patent and Market Court of Appeal (PMÖD), and on 6 March 2025 the higher court delivered its verdict, overturning the earlier decisions and allowing the deal to be completed. The case revolved heavily around the economic analysis presented by RBB, which argued that the very competitive nature of the market with three firms would likely continue with two firms. This case holds major implications for procurement markets, as it clearly permits mergers that reduces the number of market players from three to two, if competition can be expected to remain strong.
RBB’s team led by Niklas StrandNiklas StrandPrincipal and Else Christensen
Else ChristensenSenior Associate worked alongside DLA Piper and Delphi law firm during the whole process.