11 December 2017

ACCC Chairman speaks at RBB’s Annual Sydney Conference

Rod Sims, Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, again delivered the Keynote address at RBB’s Annual Sydney Conference on 30 November this year and outlined how the recently legislated changes to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), especially s46, help the ACCC protect the competitive process by allowing firms, big and small, to compete on their merits. Luke Woodward Gilbert + Tobin spoke alongside Rod about the new era in competition law in Australia. Other speakers included Tanya Dunne from the ACCC, Mary-Anne Borrowdale from the New Zealand Commerce Commission, Andrew Christopher from Webb Henderson, Kirsten Webb from Clayton Utz, Peter Armitage from Ashurst, Iain Little from Telstra and Dr Martin Joy from ANZ Bank. RBB’s Derek Ridyard and George Siolis also spoke at the conference.

Rod and Luke’s talks can be found [here] and [here] while the full programme can be found downloaded below.


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We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and related associated litigation.