- 25/03/2025 Restriction of competition by object
- 18/03/2025 Private enforcement: regulatory and judicial developments across Europe
- 14/03/2025 50 years of modern statutory competition law in Australia
- 12/03/2025 CMA approves William Grant & Sons’ acquisition of The Famous Grouse
- 12/03/2025 Merger concerning mechanical perimeter security unconditionally cleared
- 11/03/2025 It only takes two to tango: Apotekstjänst's acquisition of Svensk Dos is approved
- 10/03/2025 Abuse of market power
- 07/03/2025 Agile economics to tackle challenges of today
- 06/03/2025 RBB team involved in Newcastle United FC’s successful settlement in CAT litigation
- 06/03/2025 RBB expands Sydney office as ACCC signals more demand for economics
- 28/02/2025 The role of economics in Australian competition law
- 26/02/2025 Important Guidance from UK Competition Appeal Tribunal on role of econometrics in cartel cases
- 24/02/2025 ACM clears ‘serial acquisitions’ transaction in the Netherlands
- 24/02/2025 Phoenix Tower International acquisition of Cellnex Ireland cleared in Dublin
- 18/02/2025 RBB to present on Information Exchange and Article 102
- 14/02/2025 Coordination in labour markets: the need for case-by-case assessments
- 14/02/2025 The triumphs and trials of 25 Years of UK competition enforcement
- 14/02/2025 Antitrust and competition compliance across Central and Eastern Europe
- 13/02/2025 International Paper receives clearance for $7.1 bn DS Smith acquisition by EC and other competition authorities
- 12/02/2025 EU digital markets competition litigation and compliance
- 11/02/2025 Webinar: the basics of horizontal mergers
- 07/02/2025 Private application of competition law in Spain
- 06/02/2025 RBB seminar: fundamentals of competition economics (Johannesburg)
- 05/02/2025 RBB seminar: introduction to the economics of merger analysis (Australia)
- 05/02/2025 Markets and M&A activity in Africa
- 04/02/2025 EC draft guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance
- 31/01/2025 RBB to speak at Italian Antitrust Association conference
- 30/01/2025 Lindab receives CMA Phase II clearance for acquisition of HAS-Vent
- 29/01/2025 RBB speakers to present at the ABA Asia-Pacific conference
- 27/01/2025 China's guidelines on horizontal mergers
- 21/01/2025 Exploring the state of mergers and merger control: risks and practical preparation
- 20/01/2025 RBB shortlisted in 2025 Concurrences antitrust writing awards
- 16/01/2025 A new era for competition in sports and media
- 13/01/2025 RBB’s Brussels office has moved
- 07/01/2025 Competition policy in the era of ecological transition
- 06/01/2025 RBB seminar: merger control in local markets (Düsseldorf)
- 03/01/2025 The EC’s draft guidelines on the application of article 102 TFEU: an economic perspective
- 23/12/2024 Competition in AI markets
- 18/12/2024 CMA unconditionally clears UK dairy merger
- 18/12/2024 RBB team involved in “K” Line’s successful settlement in CAT litigation
- 16/12/2024 RBB assists in Allianz’s successful CAT litigation settlement with Visa and Mastercard
- 13/12/2024 RBB maintains elite ranking in GCR list
- 09/12/2024 Unconditional clearance of merger between providers of parking payment solutions in France
- 04/12/2024 Acerinox cleared to acquire Haynes International
- 03/12/2024 Bundeskartellamt approves merger of two rolled copper alloy manufacturers after Phase II investigation
- 02/12/2024 Article: Does the economics of digital ecosystems raise new competition issues?
- 29/11/2024 Ten years of the Damages Directive in France
- 28/11/2024 Live Nation takes centre stage with MEO ARENA’s acquisition
- 26/11/2024 Commission's elevator damage claim dismissed
- 26/11/2024 CMA clears merger between two large manufacturers of whey protein concentrate
- 25/11/2024 Mergers in the AI sector
- 18/11/2024 Nuno Alvim to speak at ICC Portugal Competition Congress
- 15/11/2024 Cartels and leniency
- 14/11/2024 Joint venture between Reliance and Disney creates India’s largest media conglomerate
- 12/11/2024 Competition enforcement in Australia
- 11/11/2024 Paula Mäkelä to join delegation at ICN merger workshop in Taiwan
- 11/11/2024 New frontiers of merger control
- 07/11/2024 Developments in European damages valuations
- 06/11/2024 CAT finds HOKA running shoe brand owner to have infringed the Chapter I prohibition by object
- 05/11/2024 RBB expert gives evidence on overcharge and pass-on before the CAT
- 01/11/2024 Recent considerations around non-price competition
- 30/10/2024 Competition law: compliance issues
- 30/10/2024 RBB team to participate in 2024 ACE conference
- 29/10/2024 What's next for competition law in Australia?
- 28/10/2024 South African Competition Commission approves Sinica acquisition of Versapak
- 28/10/2024 50 Years of Competition Law and Economics in Australia
- 18/10/2024 EC’s revised market definition notice
- 18/10/2024 Taking Stock with Olivier Guersent
- 17/10/2024 Asia-Pacific merger control: moving towards stricter control?
- 16/10/2024 RBB seminar: economic assessment of horizontal mergers (Düsseldorf)
- 15/10/2024 Miguel de la Mano to speak on AI panel
- 15/10/2024 Next gen lawyers webinar: the basics of market definition
- 14/10/2024 RBB seminar: Economics of mergers (Helsinki)
- 10/10/2024 CMA clears merger of two leading housebuilders
- 09/10/2024 RBB provides expert evidence on broadcasting rights, before COMESA CID
- 07/10/2024 Antitrust and generative AI
- 04/10/2024 Article 102: an economist's perspective
- 03/10/2024 Competition between ecosystems
- 03/10/2024 Expert reports in international arbitration
- 02/10/2024 RBB expert provides evidence before South Africa Competition Tribunal in proposed Vodacom/Maziv transaction
- 01/10/2024 Competition law in the CEE region
- 30/09/2024 Merger control in the digital age
- 26/09/2024 Exclusionary abuse: predation and other price-based abuses
- 24/09/2024 Developments of pass-on
- 23/09/2024 EC approves OTE’s fibre volume discount scheme
- 17/09/2024 RBB seminar: Quantification of cartel damages (Düsseldorf)
- 16/09/2024 Global antitrust hot topics
- 12/09/2024 Mergers below the threshold
- 10/09/2024 Economics of private enforcement
- 06/09/2024 Industrial policy and State aid
- 05/09/2024 UK digital markets competition regulation
- 05/09/2024 Joan de Solà-Morales listed in GCR 40 under 40
- 04/09/2024 Nordic trends in competition law
- 20/08/2024 RBB Presentation: Booking/eTraveli - ecosystem theories of harm (Copenhagen)
- 13/08/2024 30 RBB experts listed in Who's Who Legal 2024
- 29/07/2024 RBB expert provides evidence before CAT in dispute over online restrictions of running shoe sales
- 24/07/2024 AI: balancing enforcement and innovation
- 10/07/2024 RBB to speak at economics of competition and regulation workshop
- 04/07/2024 RBB participating in GCR law leaders Europe conference
- 03/07/2024 Market definition and determinants of market power
- 02/07/2024 South African High Court remits piped gas pricing decision back to energy regulator, again
- 01/07/2024 Restructuring aid to SAS approved
- 25/06/2024 Power cables merger unconditionally cleared by EC
- 24/06/2024 RBB expert advises Apple before Federal Court of Australia in Epic litigation
- 21/06/2024 Etienne Pfister to speak on market definition
- 18/06/2024 Miguel de la Mano to speak on developments and challenges in merger control
- 13/06/2024 Ten important considerations when filing multi-jurisdictional mergers in Africa
- 12/06/2024 Exploring the UK merger control landscape
- 11/06/2024 Cartel allegations dismissed by Italian Competition Authority
- 07/06/2024 Article: Revised EC Guidelines on market definition
- 05/06/2024 The new Market Definition Notice of the EC
- 04/06/2024 Unconditional clearance of deal between two major UK insurance companies
- 03/06/2024 Digital developments: what should competition lawyers prepare for next?
- 24/05/2024 Navigating multi-jurisdictional mergers in Africa
- 24/05/2024 Vitaly Pruzhansky to speak on resale price maintenance
- 23/05/2024 The role of the expert in international arbitration
- 21/05/2024 RBB expands in Germany with opening of Berlin office
- 20/05/2024 Ecosystem theories of harm: what is beyond the buzzword?
- 13/05/2024 Yan Yu to participate in ICN annual conference
- 13/05/2024 Merger control: getting deals done in a time of increased scrutiny
- 10/05/2024 Estonian Competition Authority closes excessive pricing inquiry in online portals
- 10/05/2024 Market definition and analysis in EU and UK competition law
- 08/05/2024 Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill: what to expect after royal assent
- 02/05/2024 RBB seminar: economic basics of market definition (Düsseldorf)
- 01/05/2024 Regulatory developments: what’s new for UK and EU merger control
- 29/04/2024 RBB’s Madrid office has moved
- 25/04/2024 RBB hires FNE’s Chief Economist for Mergers to open office in Chile
- 23/04/2024 The Digital Markets Act from the Member State perspective
- 19/04/2024 Parallel merger control investigations
- 16/04/2024 How does competition in generative AI work?
- 12/04/2024 Economic fundamentals and competition enforcement in the energy sector
- 05/04/2024 Mobile merger in the Netherlands unconditionally cleared
- 27/03/2024 The future of the sports/competition law relationship
- 26/03/2024 RBB Presentation: Booking/eTraveli - ecosystem theories of harm (Stockholm)
- 25/03/2024 RBB Seminar: closeness of competition (Stockholm)
- 25/03/2024 Unconditional clearance of joint venture between two major UK media companies
- 19/03/2024 Digital economy and competition in China and Australia
- 19/12/2023 The increase of regulatory obstacles for mergers
- 18/12/2023 RBB named elite practice by GCR
- 14/12/2023 Remondis’ acquisition of Delete Group cleared after Phase II investigation
- 13/12/2023 Is there a place for a market investigation tool in the Nordics?
- 12/12/2023 Sustainability and merger control - is green becoming a grey area?
- 11/12/2023 UK merger of two major air conditioning and refrigeration wholesalers cleared
- 07/12/2023 Economic aspects of FDI control procedures and Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR)
- 04/12/2023 EC’s new relevant market notice: an opportunity to improve EU competition assessments
- 30/11/2023 Veolia’s acquisition of Friedrich Hofmann GmbH cleared after Phase II investigation
- 28/11/2023 Competition Rules for Digital Markets Outside Europe
- 26/11/2023 The revival of the abuse of a dominant position
- 23/11/2023 Competition and protectionism
- 22/11/2023 Katie Curry to speak on generative AI
- 13/11/2023 Recent developments in Norwegian competition law
- 10/11/2023 25 RBB experts listed in Who's Who Legal 2023
- 07/11/2023 RBB Seminar: The Basics of Market Definition (Stockholm)
- 07/11/2023 RBB participating in ACE conference 2023
- 06/11/2023 RBB’s Netherlands office has moved
- 02/11/2023 Farfetch cleared to take a stake in YNAP’s luxury retail websites
- 01/11/2023 Green light for REWE take over of 15 “mein real” supermarket locations
- 31/10/2023 Sustainability and competition policy
- 30/10/2023 RBB Seminar: Article 102 - recent developments and future directions (Stockholm)
- 11/10/2023 Regulating digital markets in Asia-Pacific
- 11/10/2023 The increase of regulatory obstacles for mergers
- 10/10/2023 UK regulator clears non-horizontal healthcare technology deal
- 09/10/2023 RBB welcomes new Partner Katie Curry
- 04/10/2023 The role of the expert witness: conflicts of interest and duty of disclosure
- 26/09/2023 Booking/eTraveli prohibition: flight from the non-horizontal merger guidelines
- 18/09/2023 Yan Yu speaking on merger control challenges across Asia-Pacific
- 04/09/2023 RBB opens Singapore office
- 31/08/2023 Richard Murgatroyd to speak at competition litigation conference
- 22/08/2023 Is it time to revisit merger control efficiencies?
- 14/08/2023 RBB to speak on 'State Aid in the green transition' panel
- 07/08/2023 Industrial clustering and avoiding antitrust issues
- 07/08/2023 South Africa Commission's final findings in OIPMI
- 03/08/2023 eMedia granted further protection against alleged abuse of dominance
- 26/07/2023 Joan de Solà-Morales to speak at Concurrences antitrust conference
- 25/07/2023 Financial planners win class action against AMP in Australia
- 21/07/2023 Broadcom one step closer to acquiring VMware
- 14/07/2023 A Rising Trend in Market Concentration: Myth or Reality?
- 12/07/2023 Adrian Majumdar in market definition and market power training
- 10/07/2023 Yan Yu to speak at Asia Pacific conference
- 04/07/2023 South Africa Tribunal dismisses price fixing cartel case against LPG firms
- 03/07/2023 Enrique Cañizares to speak on market definition
- 20/06/2023 Commission closes antitrust investigation in the wood pulp sector
- 19/06/2023 RBB team to speak at GCR Europe event
- 18/06/2023 Etienne Pfister to speak at Concurrences Antitrust Conference
- 15/06/2023 Merger approval for two major Australian cash-in-transit suppliers
- 12/06/2023 Adrian Majumdar to speak on digital regulation
- 06/06/2023 Norsk Hydro/Alumetal: Alleged “green killer acquisition” unconditionally cleared
- 05/06/2023 Viasat’s acquisition of Inmarsat unconditionally cleared
- 05/05/2023 Lear’s acquisition of IGB unconditionally cleared in Phase I
- 05/05/2023 Sika’s acquisition of MBCC Group cleared in Phase I subject to conditions
- 13/02/2023 RBB comments on government’s ‘reasonable pricing provision’ for gas producers
- 20/10/2022 GXO’s acquisition of Clipper unconditionally cleared in Phase I
- 15/07/2022 Securitas/ Stanley Security transaction approved unconditionally by the European Commission
- 05/07/2022 BEWI’s acquisition of Jackon cleared after three phase II reviews
- 29/06/2022 The merger between Euroapotheca and Oriola cleared in phase 1 on 29.06.2022
- 28/06/2022 GrandVision’s acquisition of Smarteyes unconditionally cleared after Phase II review, 28/06/2022
- 14/06/2022 Oracle’s acquisition of Cerner unconditionally cleared in Phase I
- 17/05/2022 Are data a source of unassailable competitive advantage in retailing?
- 07/04/2022 Paula Mäkelä joins RBB Economics
- 23/03/2022 Etienne Pfister joins RBB Economics
- 21/03/2022 RBB Economics celebrates its 20th anniversary
- 16/03/2022 CMA clears Sony music merger
- 08/03/2022 Perth Airport vs Qantas – RBB expert testifies before the Supreme Court of Western Australia
- 01/03/2022 Theon van Dijk joins RBB Economics on 1 March 2022
- 10/01/2022 RBB wins Who’s Who Competition Economist of the Year
- 21/10/2021 Two acquisitions by Tempcon unconditionally cleared after Phase II review
- 20/10/2021 RBB contributes to ex-post competition cases study
- 20/09/2021 The Swedish Competition Authority clears Axfood/Bergendahl’s, subject to conditions
- 14/07/2021 Webinar highlights: Economic Analysis and the Competition and Markets Authority’s New Merger Assessment Guidelines
- 05/05/2021 No Penalty for TasPorts in the ACCC’s first case under the new misuse of market power test
- 26/03/2021 The EC clears EssilorLuxottica/GrandVision, subject to conditions
- 22/02/2021 Siemens Healthineers’ acquisition of Varian Medical Systems cleared in Phase I subject to conditions
- 12/02/2021 Covestro’s acquisition of DSM’s resin business cleared unconditionally in Phase I
- 01/02/2021 How Merger Control Rolls: A Response to Caffarra, Crawford and Valletti
- 21/01/2021 Seriti / South32 coal merger – approved subject to conditions
- 18/01/2021 Singapore tribunal rejects Uber merger appeal
- 08/12/2020 The EU Commission cleared DIC Corporation/BASF Colors & Effects with remedies
- 26/10/2020 Sunweb/Corendon unconditionally cleared after Phase II investigation by the ACM
- 21/10/2020 Bundeskartellamt unconditionally clears the acquisition of ControlExpert by Allianz after Phase II investigation
- 11/08/2020 Alstom/Bombardier receives Phase I clearance from the EU Commission
- 29/06/2020 Nouryon’s acquisition of CP Kelco’s CMC business approved unconditionally by EC in Phase I
- 26/05/2020 Outotec’s acquisition of Metso Minerals cleared unconditionally by EC in Phase I
- 14/05/2020 Gumtree’s expansion plans motor on after Carsguide/Autotrader acquisition given green light by ACCC
- 06/05/2020 Aurubis/Metallo unconditionally cleared by European Commission after issuing Statement of Objections
- 30/04/2020 Magazine and tech websites merger cleared by the CMA in Phase 1 with commitments
- 23/04/2020 Freudenberg's acquisition of Low & Bonar cleared unconditionally in phase I
- 31/03/2020 Nordic gas merger cleared in phase I
- 30/03/2020 EasyPark’s acquisition of Inteleon receives unconditional Phase II clearance in Sweden on 23rd March.
- 26/03/2020 Block exemption for liner shipping consortia extended
- 13/03/2020 Uniplate abuse of dominance decision overturned
- 21/02/2020 RBB Economics’ expert is nominated for Economist of year of the GCR Awards 2020
- 14/02/2020 Google’s acquisition of Looker Data Sciences receives unconditional Phase I clearance
- 15/11/2019 ACCC sets no great store by incumbency power
- 13/11/2019 The EC clears Telia’s acquisition of Bonnier Broadcasting (a media powerhouse in the Nordics)
- 28/10/2019 ACCC finds no chilling effect on competition
- 27/09/2019 HSBC Euribor fine overturned by General Court
- 26/09/2019 Vodafone Hutchison Australia / TPG – RBB expert testifies in Australian Federal Court
- 16/09/2019 VW Diesel Emissions Australian Class Action Damages – in-principle settlement reached
- 12/09/2019 ACCC v trivago – RBB expert testifies in Australian Federal Court
- 10/09/2019 Post Summer Blues 2019 Conference and Reception -19th September
- 30/08/2019 The Evolution of Competition Enforcement in South Africa
- 28/05/2019 Pacific National/Aurizon – Australian Federal Court approves merger, subject to condition
- 22/05/2019 Tobacco manufacturers cleared from concerted practice allegations in Serbia
- 09/05/2019 German bookstore merger cleared unconditionally
- 25/04/2019 French television group cleared from abuse of dominance allegations
- 07/03/2019 Breakfast Seminar: Competition Amendment Act and Draft Regulations
- 07/01/2019 Chilean competition authorities clear acquisitions in salmon farming and lithium compounds
- 19/12/2018 Dutch healthcare merger cleared unconditionally
- 17/12/2018 Inquiry into the Competitive Neutrality of the National Broadcasters
- 13/12/2018 Pacific National/Aurizon – RBB expert testifies in Australian Federal Court
- 10/12/2018 Commission approves Sony/EMI music publishing deal
- 07/12/2018 Pharma merger cleared unconditionally by the European Commission
- 06/12/2018 Public Interest in Merger Control - An Elevated Standard or a Subjective Wish List? ABA Teleconference
- 01/12/2018 RBB holds the eighth annual RBB Economics Sydney conference
- 29/11/2018 4-to-3 telecom merger cleared unconditionally by the European Commission
- 26/11/2018 RBB writes expert report in New Zealand real estate cartel case
- 10/10/2018 Swedish telecoms deal cleared in Brussels
- 09/10/2018 RBB partner to chair a panel on merger control at the largest anti-trust events in Russia
- 01/10/2018 AdC clears Rubis aquisition of Repsol’s LPG assets in Azores and Madeira
- 24/08/2018 Bundeskartellamt clears Douglas acquisition of Parfümerie Akzente unconditionally after Phase I investigation
- 05/07/2018 EC clears Tronox acquisition of Cristal with minor remedies after Phase 2 investigation
- 05/07/2018 Sky acquisition by Comcast gets unconditional Phase I go-ahead from the EC
- 26/06/2018 RBB Economics marked out as ‘best in class’ for performance in Economics & Regulatory category
- 08/06/2018 Court overturns CMA decision on excessive pricing
- 25/05/2018 RBB expert testifies in interest rate manipulation case in Australia
- 30/04/2018 Public Interest Considerations and Competition Law – ABA Conference
- 13/04/2018 Dow/DuPont, Qualcomm/NXP and Maersk Line/Hamburg Süd win at GCR Awards
- 05/03/2018 European Commission approves Essilor/Luxottica unconditionally, after a Phase II review
- 07/02/2018 Discovery/Scripps TV merger approved with behavioural remedy
- 02/02/2018 RBB speaks about “Economic Analysis in Mergers” at the Competition Law Nordic conference
- 26/01/2018 Qualcomm NXP wins EU approval
- 17/01/2018 Ocean Network Express container liner joint venture - approved subject to conditions
- 17/01/2018 Competition Policy for the New Era – insights from the BRICS Countries
- 11/01/2018 ATF Fuels wins JCRA Appeal in Jersey Royal Court Judgment
- 12/12/2017 Vodafone and Melita call off merger
- 11/12/2017 13 of RBB Economics’ experts recognised as thought leaders in competition economics in new publication
- 11/12/2017 ACCC Chairman speaks at RBB’s Annual Sydney Conference
- 07/12/2017 RBB’s comments to electricity inquiry released
- 07/12/2017 Maersk Line acquisition of Hamburg Süd cleared
- 14/11/2017 South African Competition Tribunal clears the acquisition of AutoTrader by OLX
- 13/11/2017 Google Search (Shopping) appeal
- 13/10/2017 UCT Law@Work Competition Conference
- 13/10/2017 RBB Partner to speak at the annual competition conference in Russia
- 29/08/2017 RBB opens German office in Düsseldorf
- 11/08/2017 MSV / Donington Park
- 02/08/2017 Class Action Litigation in South Africa
- 26/07/2017 High Level Panel on the Impact of Key Legislation
- 06/07/2017 Brief 54: An innovative leap into the theoretical abyss: Dow/DuPont and the Commission’s novel theory of harm
- 03/07/2017 EC clears Imerys / Kerneos
- 20/06/2017 Tabcorp/Tatts – RBB expert testifies in Australian Competition Tribunal
- 15/06/2017 RBB Economics sponsors the Magnum Graduate Photo Awards 2017
- 15/06/2017 Enrique Canizares participates at the AEDC - The use of economic analysis in competition investigations and court cases seminar
- 18/05/2017 RBB has topped the list of economist firms in Who’s Who Legal’s Competition Future Leaders 2017 Economists survey
- 16/05/2017 CMA cleared the acquisition by Lloyds Banking Group Plc of MBNA Limited
- 08/05/2017 RBB Partner to speak at the International Legal Forum on 16-19 May 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia
- 27/04/2017 RBB partners’ book published in China
- 28/03/2017 Bupa - Oasis Healthcare Group Ltd acquistion
- 28/03/2017 Car rental companies cleared of information sharing in France
- 14/03/2017 RBB economists feature in future leaders list
- 01/03/2017 Global developments in competition policy
- 21/02/2017 RBB Economists featured in the list of “30 in their 30s Notable Women Competition Professionals”
- 17/01/2017 The Russian competition authority drops charges against Mondi
- 13/01/2017 RBB Senior Associate teaches at Course in Competition and Regulation at the University of Lisbon
- 12/01/2017 Conference on Contemporary Competition Developments, 16 February – Brussels
- 12/01/2017 RBB principals speak at the Competition Law Nordic conference
- 09/12/2016 New study on the passing-on of overcharges - 16 December - 8.00 to 10.00 - BRUSSELS
- 02/12/2016 RBB sponsoring inaugural Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference
- 30/11/2016 Two RBB economists featured in GCR’s ten Woman in Antitrust 2016: Economists listing
- 15/11/2016 RBB Partner speaks at the Franco-German competition conference in Paris on 14.11.2016
- 15/11/2016 RBB Partner speaking at Competition Day in Bratislava
- 15/11/2016 RBB Economist speaks at the Chilling Competition Conference
- 31/10/2016 ACCC Chairman speaks at RBB’s Annual Sydney Conference
- 26/10/2016 RBB Economist chairs a panel on economic analysis in competition investigations at the annual conference “Anti-Trust in Russia”
- 25/10/2016 RBB Economist speaks at the St. Martin´s Conference on the recent trends and developments of the competition law in Brno, Czech Republic
- 04/10/2016 RBB Economists speaking at the 10th Annual Conference on Competition Law, Economics and Policy in Cape Town
- 26/09/2016 Competition Law Challenges in the Retail Sector 2016
- 20/09/2016 Red Tape and Barriers to Entry
- 30/08/2016 Online advertising suppliers in Australia push back against collective bargaining and boycott proposal
- 24/08/2016 Conference on Trends and Developments in Global Competition Law, 9 September
- 23/08/2016 RBB Partner speaks at The Concurrences Global conference on 8th September
- 09/08/2016 Music recording and publishing deal cleared unconditionally
- 03/08/2016 Merger of two large coastal and community shipping operators sails through in Australia
- 27/07/2016 Guidelines on anti-trust damages in Russia
- 27/07/2016 Economic evidence in High Court litigation
- 04/07/2016 CMA approves Iron Mountain's acquisition of Recall with commitments
- 04/07/2016 UK Merger Control, 2nd edition, by Jonathan Parker (Latham & Watkins) and Adrian Majumdar launched
- 01/07/2016 AB InBev/SABMiller obtains conditional clearance in South Africa
- 30/06/2016 The publication of the first Chinese edition of “The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement”
- 15/06/2016 ACM approves acquisition of Mediq by Brocacef with remedies
- 03/06/2016 The Russian competition authority announces clearance of Diebold’s acquisition of Wincor Nixdorf
- 19/05/2016 RBB Economics sponsors the Magnum Photos’ Graduate Photographers Award
- 11/05/2016 MPACT/Remade – RBB testifies in hearing to consider the Commission’s request for further remedies
- 09/05/2016 RBB Economist speaks at the International Legal Forum in St. Petersburg on 18-21 May
- 28/04/2016 RBB Economics conference in Stockholm
- 06/04/2016 2016 Antitrust Writing Awards: WINNER
- 04/04/2016 CADE’s Tribunal clears FedEx’s acquisition of TNT unconditionally
- 30/03/2016 RBB Economist speaks at telecommunications economics course in Madrid, 10 May 2016
- 23/03/2016 Dentsply’s acquisition of Sirona cleared in phase I
- 07/03/2016 RBB Economist speaks at V Competition Forum in Ukraine, 17-18 march 2016
- 01/03/2016 The Economics of Class Actions
- 22/02/2016 FedEx/TNT unconditionally cleared after phase II investigation
- 19/02/2016 Systembolaget win important procurement case
- 16/02/2016 Liberty Global / Base acquisition conditionally cleared
- 16/02/2016 ACM merger prohibition annulled by appeal court
- 08/02/2016 Paddy Power / Betfair merger cleared at Phase I
- 20/11/2015 Streetmap v Google – RBB testifies in abuse of dominance damages case
- 12/11/2015 The Russian competition authority dismisses an excessive pricing complaint against Uralkali
- 10/11/2015 Developments in Competition Law in Australia and China
- 30/10/2015 RBB Economists speaks at the Eurolawyer Forum in London on Nov 24-25
- 06/10/2015 Training at OECD’s Regional Centre for Competition in Budapest
- 06/10/2015 RBB Economist speaks at the 7th Annual Conference “Antitrust in Russia” in Moscow on 16 October 2015
- 05/08/2015 Telkom/BCX merger cleared by the Competition Tribunal
- 03/08/2015 Preform merger cleared at Phase I
- 29/07/2015 SUMA and EGF receive a phase II unconditional merger clearance
- 10/07/2015 PRSfM, GEMA, STIM – European collecting societies JV cleared
- 03/07/2015 Round table on competition between transport modes
- 19/06/2015 702 Sun International CEO Sleepout
- 08/06/2015 Behavioural biases and financial products
- 20/05/2015 RBB Economist speaks at the International Legal Forum in St. Petersburg
- 20/05/2015 RBB report on payment systems in Australia published
- 19/05/2015 Antitrust in the Americas Conference – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 23/04/2015 RBB to speak at BIICL mergers and markets conference
- 13/04/2015 Perrigo and Omega deal received CMA unconditional clearance
- 08/04/2015 Telecommunications Economics Seminar and XVIth edition of the Seminars on Competition Policy in Madrid
- 31/03/2015 9th April 2015 –RBB Annual Conference and Drinks Reception Celebrating 5 Years in Johannesburg
- 17/02/2015 Baltic Competition Law Conference 2015
- 05/02/2015 Asia-Pacific conference
- 30/01/2015 2nd Annual GCR Live Cape Town Conference
- 15/01/2015 ICA and Apotek Hjärtat receive unconditional merger clearance
- 06/01/2015 ACCC gives green light to clay brick JV in Australia
- 12/12/2014 RPM approved by ACCC in power tools case
- 13/11/2014 RBB Economics 2014 Sydney Conference
- 27/10/2014 20th International Seminar on Competition Policy – São Paulo, Brazil
- 15/10/2014 Whirlpool and Indesit receive unconditional EC merger clearance
- 07/10/2014 Nashua Mobile transactions receive unconditional approval
- 06/10/2014 Chiquita and Fyffes receive EC merger clearance
- 30/09/2014 RBB Economist speaks at the 6th Annual Conference “Antitrust in Russia” to be held in Moscow and Brussels on 10-13 October 2014
- 18/09/2014 Commission clears broadcasting deal
- 09/09/2014 Conference on Antitrust in Emerging Markets, 28 October
- 12/08/2014 CMA clears dental care merger
- 01/08/2014 Adrian Majumdar speaks at Law Society on fidelity rebates
- 14/07/2014 Adrian Majumdar speaks at Competition Commission of Singapore/Singapore Academy of Law conference
- 16/06/2014 GCR Live 3rd Annual Telecoms, Media & Technology - 26 June 2014
- 11/06/2014 RBB Economist speaks at the International Legal Forum - 18-21 June
- 10/06/2014 U.S. – E.U. Legal Summit
- 20/05/2014 RBB Economics contributes to the SAIC capacity building
- 19/05/2014 Practitioner’s approach to abuse of dominance
- 18/05/2014 RBB Economics successfully involved in the clearance of TeliaSonera merger with Zitius and Quadracom.
- 16/05/2014 RBB Seminar: The use and misuse of economics (Brussels)
- 16/04/2014 The End of an Era - RBB Economics successfully involved in the two final merger decisions of the UK Competition Commission, prior to the creation of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on 1 April 2014
- 02/04/2014 2014 Antitrust Writing Awards: WINNER
- 20/03/2014 Perspectives for antitrust damages claims
- 18/03/2014 Analysing restructuring transactions: Reviewing mergers in markets in decline
- 06/03/2014 OECD’s Global Forum on Competition
- 04/03/2014 10th IBA Competition Mid-Year Conference, 7-8 March 2014, Cape Town
- 17/02/2014 RBB Economics opens new office in Stockholm
- 21/01/2014 Publicis Group and Omnicom receive clearance for merger
- 20/01/2014 RBB Economics opens new office in Madrid
- 16/01/2014 RBB Economics third annual Johannesburg conference - 6 February 2014
- 09/01/2014 OFT approves Google’s acquisition of Waze Mobile Limited
- 03/01/2014 South African Competition Tribunal Approves Infant Formula Transaction
- 03/12/2013 RBB Annual Sydney Conference
- 02/12/2013 RBB Economics provides expert testimony at the Supreme People’s Court of China
- 13/11/2013 OFT closes Chapter II investigation
- 11/11/2013 GCR Live – Cape Town
- 14/10/2013 South African Competition Tribunal approves acquisition of Eastern Cape Bakeries by Premier Group
- 10/10/2013 Commission approves acquisition of Greek airline Olympic Air by Aegean Airlines
- 04/10/2013 Are Patent Settlements Anti-Competitive? – 18 October 2013
- 01/10/2013 RBB announce the appointment of Jan Kees Winters as a Principal
- 10/09/2013 OFT approves R&R Ice Cream’s acquisition of Fredericks Dairies
- 09/09/2013 OFT unconditionally clears Costcutter / Palmer & Harvey merger
- 05/09/2013 Commission clears two-to-one merger on failing division defence
- 03/09/2013 Seventh Annual Conference on Competition Law, Economics and Policy - 5/6 September
- 28/08/2013 The Albania Competition Authority closes cartel investigation
- 19/07/2013 BKartA approves Prosegur / Brink’s merger
- 11/07/2013 EC approves General Electric / Avio merger
- 26/06/2013 GCR Live, Telecoms, Media and Technology conference - 2 July 2013
- 05/06/2013 EC approves Hydro/Sapa joint venture
- 30/05/2013 EC approves Syniverse/MACH merger after Phase 2 investigation
- 29/05/2013 CADE clears the first two mergers under the new Brazilian competition law
- 18/05/2013 Who's Who Legal
- 17/05/2013 Class Action Seminar
- 09/05/2013 Book launch for European merger control guide
- 03/05/2013 RBB report on territorial supply constraints published
- 18/04/2013 International Pricing Fundamentals - 25 April 2013
- 08/04/2013 EC approves Penguin / Random House merger
- 03/04/2013 GCLC Lunch Talk on UPS/TNT - 4 April 2013
- 21/03/2013 Portuguese pharmacy distribution deal re-approved
- 15/03/2013 IBC Competition Economics conference 2013 - 25 April
- 14/03/2013 GCR - Women in Antitrust
- 07/03/2013 1st Annual Antitrust Symposium, Beijing – 21 March 2013
- 06/03/2013 Dominance & Pricing Conference 2013 - 18 March 2013
- 04/03/2013 Allegations against Oracle dropped in Spain
- 19/02/2013 RBB Economics comments on review of national access regime in Australia
- 14/02/2013 RBB Economics Johannesburg Conference 2013
- 11/02/2013 New Frontiers in Antitrust conference - 22 February 2013
- 06/02/2013 EC prohibits UPS/TNT Express
- 24/01/2013 Spatial competition and local markets: How to define relevant local markets?
- 22/01/2013 New South Wales Government retains exclusive export rights for SunRice
- 21/01/2013 "Best practice pricing" in Russia
- 09/01/2013 RBB calculates damage in 15-year old legal dispute
- 07/01/2013 UK and Irish Authorities clear pharmaceutical sales outsourcing merger
- 07/01/2013 EC clears acquisition of US titanium producer Timet in phase I after investigating vertical foreclosure concerns
- 14/12/2012 Full Court of the Federal Court allows appeal by Tabcorp and the State of Victoria on betting shop exclusivity
- 12/12/2012 RBB Economics Johannesburg Conference 2013
- 26/11/2012 Developments in Competition Law in Australia – 2012, 06 December
- 19/11/2012 Thoroughbred horseracing mergers in South Africa approved on appeal
- 09/11/2012 Competition law and IP, 21 November
- 09/11/2012 GCR Live, Brussels 13-14 November
- 09/11/2012 China Antimonopoly forum
- 09/11/2012 Prohibition of platinum floatation chemicals acquisition overturned in South Africa
- 07/11/2012 Dutch competition authority clears hospital merger after Phase II inquiry
- 23/10/2012 Acquisition of German press manufacturer Schuler by Austrian ANDRITZ Group cleared by European Commission
- 22/10/2012 BIICL 10th Anniversary Merger Conference
- 17/10/2012 Performance door merger cleared by OFT
- 20/09/2012 RBB sponsors photography exhibition
- 05/09/2012 RBB contributes to UK policy debate on private actions
- 05/09/2012 RBB helps to organise MOFCOM training programme
- 04/09/2012 Heating oil acquisition cleared after in-depth investigation
- 02/08/2012 Ship Repair Acquisition Approved
- 23/07/2012 Prohibition of mining acquisition overturned in South Africa
- 28/06/2012 16th Annual Competition Conference: 14-15 September 2012
- 06/06/2012 Rules of Competition conference – 12 June 2012
- 31/05/2012 Fuel card merger cleared in UK
- 31/05/2012 Information exchanges
- 04/05/2012 Anglo American/Lafarge construction material JV gets conditional green light from the CC
- 04/05/2012 Comment on Draft Regulations relating to anti-competitive price signalling and information disclosure
- 02/05/2012 RBB economists provide expert testimony in a Chinese antitrust court hearing
- 24/04/2012 Developments in competition law and economics - 10th May 2012
- 03/04/2012 Walmart – A successful resolution: 4 April 2012
- 14/03/2012 Airline catering deal cleared after in-depth investigation
- 08/03/2012 Dominance and Pricing 2012
- 14/02/2012 OFT clears Shell’s acquisition of 253 Total petrol stations
- 06/02/2012 Africa Competition Law Seminar - 9 February 2012
- 18/01/2012 The economics of minority equity stakes and merger control
- 12/01/2012 Patrick Smith joins RBB as Principal
- 19/12/2011 ‘3 to 2’ merger unconditionally cleared in Finland
- 12/12/2011 CAT allows appeals against OFT Tobacco Decision
- 29/11/2011 Best Practices for the submission of economic evidence
- 24/11/2011 European Commission clears Western Digital’s acquisition of Hitachi’s hard disk drive business
- 23/11/2011 International Symposium on Competition Policy - 7/8 of December 2011
- 22/11/2011 Competition Summit 2011 - 1/2 December 2011, Brussels
- 03/11/2011 UK Office of Fair Trading clears Amazon’s acquisition of The Book Depository
- 03/11/2011 Article 102 enforcement: GCR Law Leaders Europe 2011 Conference, Brussels, 15-16 November
- 15/09/2011 Competition Law, Economics and Policy Conference - 4/5 October 2011
- 07/09/2011 ‘The Policy Impact of Conjectural Variations’ seminar held at the OFT on Thursday 15th September 2011
- 01/09/2011 Solvay’s acquisition of Rhodia cleared unconditionally by the European Commission
- 23/08/2011 Private damages actions
- 17/06/2011 European Commission clears acquisition of Columbian Chemicals by Birla Group
- 16/06/2011 Dutch Appeals Tribunal reverses OPTA decision
- 16/06/2011 Dutch energy deal cleared
- 06/04/2011 Price Fixing & Collusion Conference – 26 & 27 May 2011
- 23/03/2011 BT v Ofcom PPC Dispute
- 23/02/2011 ICF 18th St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum 7-8th April 2011
- 22/02/2011 BIICL 9th Annual Merger Conference
- 21/02/2011 One-day workshop on "The role of expert economic evidence in antitrust proceedings" 16 March 2011
- 18/02/2011 GCR Horizontal Co-operation Agreements conference
- 15/02/2011 RBB wins “Matter of the Year” and “A Transaction of the Year, Europe” at GCR Awards 2011
- 04/02/2011 The Chapter II Prohibition: Where Have All the UK Cases Gone?
- 04/01/2011 German competition authority clears acquisition of Alpuro by the Van Drie Group
- 04/01/2011 Dutch competition authority clears acquisition of Handicare by Nordic Capital
- 22/12/2010 UK Competition Commission clears Zipcar/Streetcar merger without conditions
- 20/12/2010 Allegations of collective dominance abuse dropped in France
- 02/11/2010 Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, 6–7 December 2010
- 28/10/2010 2010 Competition Law Review GRC conference – 16/17 November 2010
- 19/10/2010 Competition Law and Economics
- 23/09/2010 GCLC Lunch Talk on the quantification of damages
- 01/09/2010 Finnish court upholds landmark decision
- 17/08/2010 Recognition for RBB’s experts
- 06/08/2010 Second Annual Conference on Antitrust and Competition Law Compliance
- 03/08/2010 Fourth Annual Competition Commission, Competition Tribunal and Mandela Institute Conference on Competition Law, Economics and Policy
- 14/07/2010 GCR International Merger Control conference
- 14/07/2010 Self Assessment under the Vertical Guidelines: Economic Concepts In Practice
- 14/07/2010 CC Determination on Leased Line Charge Control (LLC) Review
- 01/04/2010 GCR conference on the new vertical restraints regime
- 30/03/2010 Advanced Review of Competition Economics
- 10/03/2010 EC clears JV of T-Mobile and Orange in the UK
- 10/03/2010 Dutch health care authority publishes report by RBB and Freshfields
- 26/02/2010 Competition in the consumer goods and retail sectors
- 10/02/2010 Dominance and pricing in Europe
- 25/01/2010 New edition of leading competition economics text
- 25/01/2010 EC clears Oracle acquisition of Sun
- 04/01/2010 CC provisionally clears music ticketing merger
- 04/01/2010 Dominance and unilateral conduct, 2010
- 29/09/2009 Reform of the Vertical Restraints Regime
- 29/09/2009 Reform of competition rules affecting motor vehicle distribution in Europe
- 23/09/2009 UK Competition Commission clears healthfood merger
- 23/09/2009 South African wholesale merger gets go-ahead from Competition Tribunal
- 03/07/2009 Commission imposes €1.06 billion fine on Intel following exclusionary behaviour targeted at AMD
- 03/07/2009 Review of the Vertical Restraints Regime
- 10/06/2009 Competition law in the financial services sector
- 22/12/2008 European Commission allows Dutch dairy merger
- 19/12/2008 RBB Partner to speak on new Article 82 enforcement guidelines
- 03/12/2008 European Commission gives green light to rail cargo deal
- 28/10/2008 European Commission clears StatoilHydro’s acquisition of ConocoPhillips' Jet petrol stations in Scandinavia
- 17/10/2008 ‘3-to-2’ beer merger cleared unconditionally in Ireland
- 17/10/2008 RBB advises on EC Commission bananas cartel investigation
- 10/10/2008 RBB contributes to single-firm conduct debate
- 02/09/2008 NMa clears merger of directories
- 26/08/2008 “3 to 2” merger granted unconditional clearance by the Swiss Competition Commission
- 15/07/2008 Benoît Durand joins RBB
- 15/07/2008 RBB contributes to OFT debate on market studies
- 15/07/2008 Airport shop deal cleared
- 15/07/2008 UK hospital merger given clean bill of health
- 03/07/2008 Commission clears Nokia/Navteq merger without conditions
- 11/06/2008 RBB Partner to speak at IBC's conference
- 28/04/2008 RBB Partner to speak at Microsoft competition law conference
- 08/04/2008 CC allows merger of Macquaries’ broadcast transmission company, Arqiva, and National Grid Wireless subject to behavioural remedies
- 04/04/2008 RBB Partner to speak in Bergen at the Shipping Executive Conference
- 02/04/2008 RBB Partner to speak at IBC conference
- 26/03/2008 European Commission Clears Google/DoubleClick
- 08/02/2008 RBB Partner to speak at LexisNexis Conference
- 14/01/2008 RBB Partner to speak on pricing and dominance
- 14/01/2008 Case by case: Celebrating 10 years of competition law in the Netherlands
- 14/01/2008 CC clears video game tie-up
- 30/10/2007 International line-up at 6th BIICL annual merger conference
- 04/10/2007 European Commission re-clears Sony BMG tie-up
- 19/09/2007 Microsoft and beyond
- 07/09/2007 Tissue merger gets European go ahead
- 23/08/2007 Dutch mobile merger cleared
- 24/07/2007 Book wholesaling deal gets provisional clearance
- 24/07/2007 Excessive pricing case against mobile operators closed
- 20/06/2007 Bojana Ignjatovic joins RBB
- 08/06/2007 First Choice travel merger through in Phase I
- 08/06/2007 No blocks for brick deal
- 06/06/2007 Dutch regulator publishes RBB post monitor
- 06/06/2007 BIICL 7th Annual Antitrust conference
- 15/03/2007 Swedish competition authority clears long term exclusive contracts
- 15/03/2007 Dutch ministry publishes RBB energy assessment
- 19/02/2007 OFT clears food brands merger
- 13/01/2007 OFT publishes buyer power report
- 02/12/2006 RBB Economics advises Dutch Healthcare Authority
- 01/12/2006 Brussels Office Expansion
- 08/10/2006 Dutch Appeal Court annuls mobile termination market decision
- 08/10/2006 Irish oil deal proceeds
- 08/10/2006 Latest merger developments
- 08/10/2006 Considering the role of economics in private enforcement
- 08/09/2006 Location, location, location
- 08/09/2006 Court appeal overturns Norwegian predation decision
- 08/09/2006 State Aid rules assessed
- 08/09/2006 Airline catering: joint venture between LSG and Gate Gourmet cleared
- 08/09/2006 RBB considers cooperation between purchasers
- 08/08/2006 Dutch housing corporation merger cleared
- 08/07/2006 Mittal bid gets competition green light from Europe
- 08/07/2006 Explosives cleared
- 08/07/2006 RBB partner engages in Trans-Atlantic debate
- 08/05/2006 LPB merger approved
- 08/05/2006 UK bookstore merger cleared
- 08/05/2006 Commission clears three-to-two merger
- 08/05/2006 Sauce deal cleared
- 08/03/2006 Ticketmaster cleared by Irish Competition Authority
- 08/03/2006 SA oil deal blocked
- 08/03/2006 Whither dominance?
- 08/01/2006 RBB expert involved in landmark English High Court competition law case
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Our experience and expertise means our clients have the best chance of success before competition authorities and courts.
We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and related associated litigation.