RBB Joan de Solà-Morales

Mergers & Acquisitions

Our merger experience is unparalleled with our economists having worked for the merging parties on over one third of all EU Phase II mergers in the last five years, many more Phase I cases, and on numerous cases before national authorities across the globe.

We cover all types of mergers (whether horizontal, vertical or conglomerate) and all theories of harm (such as unilateral and coordinated effects).

We assess how mergers may impact price, quality, service, innovation, the environment, media plurality, buyer power and the public interest. Our staff, who are all competition experts, are able to provide large teams to meet the tight deadlines of an intense merger process.

The clear leader in advising on mergers and advising companies targeted by government probes.

We have unrivalled experience across the full range of issues presented by competition law and associated litigation.